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Everything posted by Claree

  1. Ahhhh that would be legendary:) I can see the faces of the staff now;) they would so be hiding behind the counters:P Im Clare by the way:) Only 14, feel like a baby on here:P Im really short with size 2/3 feet yah, i know its ridiculous(cant spell that ) Can barely fit into adults shoes:( Im just taller than 5ft, i think:P dont judge me by me feet, im really nice, ive been told
  2. lol, I am sitting tight until July, I watched way too many clips of New Moon and stuff and I kinda wish I had waited until when I first saw it, but I doubt I will last long
  3. I would love an ET2 DVD, it would be awesome to be able to remember all the good times:)
  4. I think I can safely say for all of us HALE YEAH! Jackson today or tomorrow. Im convinced Im still hoping sometime in the first half of the month that he will be announced:) Its really wishful thinking, but I am so hoping for Jackson to come:D Jasper says relax! No but ever since et3 was like announced ive said Jacksons coming. Im actualy convinced1 i will be utterly heartbroken if he doesnt now! Tomorrow! Please I have had the same feeling! I dont know why I just have and now i really need him to come. I told myself not to get my hopes up, but I have without realizing Fingers crossed.....:)
  5. I think I can safely say for all of us HALE YEAH! Jackson today or tomorrow. Im convinced Im still hoping sometime in the first half of the month that he will be announced:) Its really wishful thinking, but I am so hoping for Jackson to come:D Jasper says relax!
  6. I cant stay for the sunday party I was so annoyed when my mum told me... Tried to convince her to let me stay but we have a 3 hour drive back home, and she has to go to work the next day:(
  7. What tickets do you all have?? I have silver and was wondering if anyone else did too? 49 days:D 1188 hours 71312 minutes:D:D Till its time:)
  8. Haa, I think that would be one of the funniest videos ever in my opinion:D That would so be going on Youtube:D:P.X
  9. Hahaa:) Lol, you would be forcibly removed by security:P or you would scare away the guests and then you would have some angry twilight fans on your hands:)
  10. 1st January - To celebrate the new year - Jackson Rathbone(wishful thinking) But I would be over tha moon with any cullen I cry everytime I think about him coming to a convention
  11. oh yeah:D awesoem idea;) we can include the guests as well, :) okay, they might not want to play but it doesnt mean we cant:D see you all there:)
  12. I will bring the game and my laptop to ET3 ;) We can all play it then, :) X
  13. 2 months everyone:D:D time flys when you are desperatley waiting for a convention to come round, right?? Twilight Scene It? Is awesomee:D I love it :) Also got a ton more twilight stuff, my parents know me well:D(L) X
  14. Merry Christmas everyone:):) Santa(Mum+Dad) brought me a surprise silver ticket to ET3 when they said I couldnt go, doesnt get much better than that:D;)
  15. Hey everyone:) Havent posted in ages but thought I would let you all know that even though my mum and dad told me I definatley wasnt going to ET3 they surprised me with a silver ticket so I cant wait:D On my bill this time but I know a few people from ET2 so I should be okay:) Oh, and Happy Christmas:DXD X
  16. Ahhh If Jackson came I might actually die.......of happiness of course hopefull if i faint when I am with him he will look after me(yn) It would make my life so much better if I met him, I would cry, a lot!!
  17. yeah i doo :):) just search clare wall :) inoooo, i am still begging but there is practically zero chance!!!! i am so depressed!!!!
  18. Awww, Kaytee, I love your pictures, youu look amazing :) and I love your bow I am not allowed to go to ET3 :( I just had an argument with my mum about it, I offered to pay for the ticket hotel and train fare and no christmas presents, but nooooo, i still cant goo:( If Jackson or Ashley or Kellan go, I am not talking to my mum for months Here are my pictures everyone :) YeahYeah!!!
  19. Yeah my mum said no, "Its too soon" and "You can go to the 4th one" were the main ssayings. I threw like a massive hissy fit because there is no more after the 4th one and she wont let me pay for the tickets either, i eve offered to pay for the hotel but no such luck. If Jackson or Ashley go, I wont talk to my mum for months!!!! I was so upset because this was one of the best weekends of my life and she doesnt understand, and she doesnt like twilight!!!! Im still hoping to change her mind but there is about a 0.0000000009 chance of me going!!
  20. This, I will never forget. That was truly amazing and I am so bummed that I CANT go to ET3 :'( I loved the rest of the weekend as well :):)
  21. This was my first event and I loved it. I had a standard ticket but as long as I was there I was happy, I was a rather high number because my mum made me wait forever to buy the tickets. Grrr. It truly was wonderful. Edi was an amazing guest, I lvoed him to pieces. He was so funny. I did a jump with him for my photo shoot and i turned out incredible. Rachelle was so nice to everyone. She was great and I got to dance with her for quite a while on the friday and she came over for a little bit on the saturday. I am hoping to buy a ticket to ET3 tonight on the basis my mum will let me, let's just say I have some convincing to do, i my opinion, not going isn't even an option. I am getting the dvd for ET because wasn't there and it was as close as I could get and I can't wait to get the ET2 dvd and relive all the amazing memories, I now have. The overcrowding of the guests was annoying but it is to be expected really. The photo rule from the talks worked well. I had to go early and was so upset when I missed the Chaske, Gil and Tyson talk + the end talk yesterday. But I had a 3 and a half hour journey so bleughhh, I had to leave. I have my Twilight Journals and I am planning on writing down every single minute that I absorbed. Dealers room was brilliant btu you can never say no to mroe stuff and also there wasn't a million things to do when you were waiting and not in the dealer's room, but other than that it was incredible. THANK YOU SO MUCH SM. HOPE TO BE AT ET3.
  22. Well we have five so there is only place for one more.... Obviously there is the main three btu that is pretty much impossible so.... JACKSON RATHBONE PLEASEEEE!!!!! :) That would make my life or Ashley Greene Kellan Lutz Peter Facinelli but they were at ET1 so it is really unlikelyy
  23. I would do one of these 5 songs as they are my favorite rite nowww, cos they rockk 1. Shake it - Metrostation 2. The Climb - Miley Cyrus 3. Broken strings - James Morrison 4. Breathe Slow - Alesha Dixon 5. Gives You Hell - All American Rejects They are awesome songss
  24. yeah i knoww..tell me about itt! its so annoying, esp on a saturdayy
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