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Everything posted by xVickyCullenx

  1. Me and my friends at the first showing of Twilight hehe (half of them had just run down the corridor to tackle my other friend) Aaand 100% awesome Twilight tee
  2. Hi Jade! =) I'm Vicky and I'm 14 too, 15 in June. I'm going to ET (According to my dads email for a Christmas present, I'm not meant to know! hehe ) most likely with my cousin who's 17. I live in Northamptonshire so I'm staying at my house, very convenient so me and my cousin don't have to pay for a hotel!
  3. I had a reeally quick look in the vintage stand, but there wasn't much there really =) I went with a school trip, so me and my friends were mainly rushing around like lunatics trying to look at everything. That makes two people with saftey clipped dresses There should be a club.
  4. There's definetly an audio-book of Twilight, you might be able to buy it off the Internet somewhere =) Also, Twilight vampires don't have the big teeth, and not much is shown of the vampires being well.. vampire-like. Towards the end there's ONE part where someone is bitten, but that's it.
  5. Would it be OK if I joined the Dazzling Misfits?
  6. I thought the film was utterly amazing, they adapted it much better than I thought they would. It was a bit weird that they didn't even say what Jasper and Emmetts abilities were, but overall they done pretty well!
  7. OH MY EDWARD, TWILIGHT IS THE BEST FILM I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! I actually cried. And screamed (ALOT) I can't wait for it to come out on DVD!
  8. I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS TOMORROW! I actually scream every time the trailer is on TV
  9. i went on saturday =D the saturdays werent there then, but alesha dixon perfomed at the Fashion Theatre I couldn't afford anything from the Black zone I think I got mine from the Purple Zone.
  10. You got a dress from the Clothes Show too? It was amazing, wasn't it?
  11. Coool! I'm wearing my Team Edward t-shirt on Friday, and doing my makeup like a Cullen (sometimes my eyes are gold! hehe)
  12. Oh, that sounds cool! =) I got unreasonably excited when I found a small red apple decoration in the box to hang on the tree
  13. I was just thinking that having the film released only a few days before Christmas, then the Con not too long after (those months will seem to take forever!), that I might not be the only one going Twilight-mad this Christmas? Come and list your Twilight-crazy Christmas things! Here's mine.. Giving out "Happy Twilight Release Day.. oh wait, and Christmas... and New Year..." cards (they're on the Picture thread if anyone wants them!) Making a very large batch of individually designed Twilight T-shirts for alll my friends at Christmas My Christmas list- "Ticket for Eternal Twilight,Money for Eternal Twilight, MORE money for Eternal Twilight!" .. or am I the only crazy one?
  14. I would be sitting there just going "Silver ticket.. photo... with HIM?!? *faint*"
  15. We are the special people that know the secret of defying gravity
  16. If they got Rob.. I would definetly have to stop meself mega-crazed-fangirl screaming. Dream come true
  17. Wow, its only eleven weeks? Time to start saving! All of my Christmas money is reserved for E.T
  18. Lol! Ah, so heels may not be the best plan then! xD See that is the one thing I can't identify with with Bella, the clumsiness. Sure I may trip over something occasionally, but my balance and heel-wearing-ability are generally okay. Hehe. I'm very clumsy, I trip over nothing, walk into things all the time, drop things... anything stupid, and I'm your gal xD Including falling UP stairs, that's my speciality. Happens about every other day
  19. I would definetly have to stop myself screaming crazed fangirl style
  20. Oh, yes please Showmasters! We've been really good this year : ) One called Jackson would be perfect mmmmm Jackson (or Cam!!) Oooh yeah, Either one would be pretty awesome Or Robert!
  21. I'd never be able to wear heels to the party =( I'm "a total Bella" according to my friends, I can trip over anything (even air) when I'm in FLAT shoes, so if I wore heels all hell would break loose
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