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Everything posted by TSheep15

  1. Thank you guys so much, met amazing people and amazing guests! Really cannot wait for ET2!!!!
  2. I just packed! Goooooooood times kids!!!!!
  3. I go right arm too XD Seemed more natural with the movement XD
  4. My numbers 07772242297, gonna me in the Hilton around one hopefully! See you all there If anyone gets lonely text me!
  5. I hope the ball isn't £100 I can't afford it XD
  6. AAH! When I have no money in the bank, asking mum to loan me some for the weekend so I can get one, not missing out on this, it was such a good con!
  7. Me too! "When the drum hits hands on your hips!"
  8. Haha, fine then I'll avoid both cranky/clumsy Bella's as well as one rather clumsy Edward who should be in a good mood! Does that mean you are going to save us damsels from the Bellas? *flutters eyelashes* HAHA you should be thankful that we are still human You love my wife aka Esme aka Chelsea too much to kill her female bit on the side =] Oh she really was, she really was. Just approach her carefully, holding out alcohol... Haha XD Now I have to buy other people alcohol!
  9. It's gonna be highly entertaining XD
  10. Hilton - B'ham, I'm feeling a pattern coming along here XD When we find out who's on the same floor we shall have corridor parties!
  11. Haha, fine then I'll avoid both cranky/clumsy Bella's as well as one rather clumsy Edward who should be in a good mood! Does that mean you are going to save us damsels from the Bellas? *flutters eyelashes*
  12. Yes it was, and the Pig was in Pleasure Beach too Thought it looked familiar lol. Was asking my boyfriend if it was Blackpool. We live there. You had to ask him and you live there lol, made me giggle XD It's great, I can't wait to go back! Yeah I did I was all like "That looks like one of the piers....Paul!!" then he came and looked and I just said "Is that one of the piers?" funnily enough his reply was something like yours. Haha, I'm not surprised!
  13. This is me! On my jolly hols in Pompey And this is Sarah who is coming with me at Alton Towers
  14. Ow gawd, two clumsy and cranky people! *avoids*
  15. I have £100 from my bday but £75 of that is for the hotel but I'm getting... £50 of that back so about £80 XD plus whatever is in my bank
  16. My god, I would pay soooo much for this and so would my mum, sister, all my female friends!
  17. Wouldn't mind a LOTR one but then Showmasters would be taking their 4th paycheck off me, damn you!
  18. Yes it was, and the Pig was in Pleasure Beach too Thought it looked familiar lol. Was asking my boyfriend if it was Blackpool. We live there. You had to ask him and you live there lol, made me giggle XD It's great, I can't wait to go back!
  19. I'm up for getting drunk at the party XD Just don't let me ruin my dress!
  20. i'd say concealer would be a good thing....haha i always wear it for the dark bits under my eyes and my spots. and that sucks! you order something online and it turns up well quick......unless you NEED it....i learned that out at LFCC... haha and i am due on friday an these past few weeks i have always been a week late...but now that i am going somewhere it will be on time...because the world screws like that! haha i hope your necklace comes sooon! BEFORE proms obv! Snap! And I had my period whilst at ET and LFCC, and now I will again for this! Thought you would all like to know that haha. But yeah shucks =[ I just didn't stop taking my pill last month so I'm on week before instead, and it's worked I'm just stressing in general, it's not good! Mostly about what to get signed cause I still have no idea!!!
  21. Yes it was, and the Pig was in Pleasure Beach too
  22. Lot's of things make me happy My Family My Besties Steph and Steven Everyone! Thee Bestie, Greg! My Old Dog Benji My New Puppy, Gizmoo This very beautiful man! And this Pig! Also my lovely wife Chelsea but everyone knows her so she doesn't need a picture
  23. I've got a hair piece, black rose, I just stick that on my wrist
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