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Everything posted by spikeguerajumper

  1. I do love him in a suit.. and like you said the hair is PERFECT... I'm gonna try and go down to the View Point Inn near Portland this weekend.. which is were they filmed that prom scene he's all dressed up for.. can't wait!.. If NM or Eclipse start shooting in this area again.. I am there!.. and you're invited!
  2. So you might have seen this article.. about Real Guys vs. Edward Cullen.. It's so funny but true (sadly for those that are still looking for our Edwards) thanks BellaandEdward for posting this! http://hey-insomia.tumblr.com/post/5133147...s-edward-cullen
  3. LOLssss - We know good men when we see them!!! You bet! I just hope there´ll be plenty of them around... Which leads me back to the sad point: Since I got to read the Twilight-series, real men kinda suck yeah.. it's true.. and it does suck..
  4. He's too pretty for me in that movie.. he looks a lot hotter now..
  5. yeah.. I read about it.. I can't wait to see the movie!
  6. No!.. it's good to have some " Team Jacob" supporters in the mix.. We're kinda crowded in the team Edward over here..
  7. right? haha! (but even maybe 30?) I'd be ok with that..
  8. Robert IS Edward.. in my mind I couldn't have imagined him any better.. especially after I saw the trailers.. now if he were just a few years older..
  9. I know.. I keep telling myself I'm not gonna buy anything else.. and then some magazine comes out (Interview!!) that I just need to get.. and the book marks and the trading cards.. I think I'm going broke BEFORE the con!..
  10. So.. I don't know about you.. but I can't wait to get this pic.. so I emailed Interview about getting a copy of the magazine and this is their response: Thank you for your interest in Interview Magazine. Here is the pricing information for the October 2008 issue you requested: $8.00 including shipping (in the US ) $16.00 including shipping (out of the US ) To order, please send a check or money order payable to Interview Magazine. Please be sure to clearly indicate on the check the issue(s) you are paying for. Also, please be sure to provide us with a shipping address. Our mailing address is: Interview Magazine Attn: Circulation Department 575 Broadway New York, NY 10012 Thanks again for your interest in Brant Publications. Due to the high volume of requests, please allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery. Again, I'm gonna check if any bookstores have it yet.. but knowing that they may be hard to get.. I may send in my check instead!
  11. So I keep rethinking this question. I think when I actually see Jacob all sweet and innocent in TW.. I'm gonna feel for him.. and then probably more in NM.. But as far as switching teams.. I'm with Bella.. I can't even imagine the thought of not picking Edward.. sorry Jacob..
  12. Alright don't gloat...we have to wait till 19 December here remember!!! Now happy place...where did I put you! sorry.. have to focus on something to keep me sane! promise I won't gloat when it happens..
  13. I don't know.. JaneDoe.. can we share?.. I'm guessing this is starting to sound more like an episode of HBO'S Big Love.. but whatever.. sure join in.. I'll take the weekends
  14. While at first I wouldn't even consider wearing them.. I'm warming up to the idea.. I saw some girl that didn't look "too out there with them".. I don't know that I can carry off the Cullen personality that goes with the honey golden eyes.. hmmm maybe.. With Halloween coming maybe can wear them for that too.. it is a Friday and I am off!!
  15. My life is now complete. So I guess It's just you and me sharing Rob for eternity JaneDoe.. What do you think? can we reach a compromise for alternate weekends? (sorry this is on the wrong thread.. it's supposed to go on the who is your companion?..) good grief all that overnight work.. sorry!
  16. you're absolutely right though.. they probably can't commit till maybe a few months out.. which puts a new announcement.. .. D..oon't want to think about that right now.. I'm just gonna go back to my happy place.. counting down to November 21st.
  17. I do love that "super massive black hole" song from Muse.. can't wait to see where they plug it in.. I think it's either a Bella/Edward moment in her bedroom.. or maybe when they are both cruising along in his car after he's saved her in Port Angeles.. ideas.. thoughts? ohh wait.. maybe in the parking lot when he's giving her that sexy look/crooked smile!!
  18. I'm in the middle of looking for wellies.. (which as it turns out are very appropiate here in Seattle now that Fall has arrived.. lots of soggy and wet to come!) But the nice ones are expensive!.. I also want to wear a cool raincoat.. I guess I will get plenty of wear from them here.
  19. Ok.. so that was the equivalent of a slap back to reality!!.. thank you I needed that! (of course it will maybe last like.. 15 minutes.. but thank you nonetheless..)
  20. I have no doubt the organisers will work as hard as possibile to get Rob along Showmasters we love you.. but PLEAASE! book more stars soon!!.. before they go all "putting shrimps on the barbie".. you know what I mean.. I know you're trying.. I'm just trying not to hyperventilate here..
  21. Yes, it was added but I still love it. The hand is the protector of the already strong lion. I find that comforting. There is a higher power supporting even the strongest animal. When I saw the crest for the first time, it really struck me. But I know that lots of people find it odd. I'm sure by the time I see the movie and see you guys at the con.. I'll be in love with the crest.. fear not..
  22. Robert Pattinson Online has this article about how that pic floating around with the TW cast that is supposed to be on InStyle magazine this week is actually "not" from Instyle magazine.. darn it.. and they all looked so good in it.. wonder where it's gonna show up then..
  23. why? vampire hater! The reason I connected with Edward is that I really felt I understood was he was feeling and admired him more because of it.. first fighting his attraction for Bella, then him walking away from her for her own good.. then his eternal love for her.. I can only wish I was that strong. Vampire hater?! I'm Team Edward thank you very much! oh.. ok never mind..
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