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Everything posted by KrazyKid197

  1. I stay in the Hilton several times a year for cons and I have never had any problems. And trust me, if I have a problem, I complain. (You'll never catch me in the Thistle again for example. I came out covered in insect bites from their beds but they wouldn't do anything about it.) But I tend to do what you do with hotels for hostels and it does work. Go with the trend not with the individual.
  2. When John Barrowman was there for CM:MK there was a queue of several hundred people before 8am who had apparently been there since 3am. Be there early, and plan in which order you want VT tickets. Personally? I would do John Barrowman then Misha Collins/Shannon Doherty, then Brian Krause and John Rhy Davies and the Blake's 7 guys might be open queue. But PLAN. Otherwise you might miss out. Kip
  3. Child protection = CRB check. And the way that health and safety laws are going (and I'm not saying they're wrong, but since I run a Guide unit it's getting more and more difficult these days with all the laws for those of us that aren't going to hurt the children. Now we even need to get parents CRB checked if they're giving lifts to Guides that are not their daughters. *facepalms*) Anyway, the main reason that this wouldn't work, is that SM would have to provide someone to look after the area, most likely so they weren't liable in the case of an accident and those people would have to be CRB checked which is an annoying and fairly longwinded procedure. Which probably means those of us that are already checked would be volunteered to run it, and not to put too fine a point on it, I didn't exactly sign up to crew cons to run a playgroup.
  4. Sadly, people do it (and aren't stopped) just outside the hotel main doors. Though I really wish they would move further out. (Especially since last time I was there it was the middle of May and very sunny.)
  5. Reg normally closes about 8pm, or whenever there's a lull in people coming in. But the crew need to have a break too! I'm very sorry for your loss. As others have said, it's easy enough to turn up late and wave the letter instead.
  6. That's good to know Claire. I'll hide behind you two! Hehe, I get stupidly excited about it still. So hopefully not! Kip
  7. *thinks* The Hub will hit the two year mark for me. Oh crap. *hides* You'll be up at the crack of dawn anyway. London you need to be leaving the hotel (having had breakfast) by about 7.10. I have perfected the art of throwing on clothes and being ready in 5 minutes. (No comments on how bad I look!)
  8. Or do what I do and sneek down the stairs Saves waiting for a lift at all! And I'll echo on the food (and particularly the drink) if you can, take your own because it will save you so much money. Or go to the NEC/ Bham International for dinner. I always try the airport now, it's a bit further to walk but the food is better!
  9. Hehe, I blame TT. He keeps us jumping! We'll have to try harder. :) Honestly though, most events, I still feel like a newbie. Or just that I don't really know what I'm doing.
  10. Ah that's cool. I may (or may not!) have gone back through my reply desperately looking for a question, or a cereal in the handbook. Not that I am sad or anything. Bring on London!! Too many work hours are so lame. I miss crewing. Kip
  11. Oh dear. I only answered 4. Unless roomie/hotel nights is counting as two separate? I thought I got everything, if I'm missing something me know? If not, I'll see you there! Kip
  12. Oo... I definitely want to come (though it would only be the weekend). Just gotta see if I can justify the time. (Seriously, if one more person at uni mentions the fact that I'm supposed to be pulling 90 hour weeks, I might slap them. ) Kip
  13. *g* Yay. I do like to try. They're all fairly straightforward when you get there. Just remember to stand on the mark. Kip
  14. You might want to check the FAQ thread out, but - - Yes, you can buy another photo. Personally? Unless there's some particular way you'd like the two posed, then I wouldn't. The photographers are good here. Malcolm won't let you go until he's got a picture he's happy with. And it's a picture of you and the guest wearing the same outfits. Though lots of people do get more than one, and there's obviously nothing wrong with it. Just a matter of opinion, and obviously, money. *g* - How it works. You queue up at the right time and the queue goes into the photo area. Once you get into the photo shoot area, you will see the guest standing in front of a backdrop. The crew will direct you into the photoshoot, you put your arm around the guest (if they allow that) or ask for a pose, smile for the camera, wait while they check it, and then another crew-member will show you out. It's a very quick process. You won't get more than a chance to say hi to the guest, and make sure you're all ready to go when you're at the front of the queue. But the photos look great and they are a fantastic momento of the weekend. Hope that helps a little! Kip http://showmastersonline.com/forums/index....mp;#entry918135 Try this here! It's out of date for the guest lists, but the rest is still valid. And TT is much more eloquent than I am.
  15. Ah ok, thanks for the reply. There's still seventeen days left, a lot of things could happen yet. I've been to cons previously where guests have been announced literally the day before because that's when the contracts have been received. It's not likely that close, but with more than 2 weeks to go? I trust SM to manage something. And even if not? We have 11 guests. Plus 800 odd attendees. It will be awesome.
  16. I don't think he's not worn it yet. But then the glove is Robert Englund's and he brings it himself, so I doubt Showmasters will be able to answer. Still, he seems to love poking people with it, so I reckon it's a safe bet!
  17. Coming from Headington, Oxford! About 90minutes on the bus. Can't complain at that!
  18. Really? It's up to you. Personally? I would list them in the order of photoshoots that you want and buy the 'musthaves' and leave some if you're not sure the times will fit in. If two photoshoots clash, then go to the quietest one and tell the crew there that you have a ticket for the other shoot too. (There will be more than likely photo areas A and . They will sort it then so you should be ok. *g* In theory, you could probably manage every photoshoot the show offers. And they would all fit. Though, if they clash with a talk, you will have to leave the talk for the photoshoot.
  19. And the reasons for why SM can't do that have already between discussed to death in this thread. Personally? I'm looking forward to new announcements!
  20. Cait... I'm in Headington. And would love to throw in petrol money for a lift up there. What time are you going?
  21. I get you Rhianydd, and if you want to crew, the best people to talk to are the crew and also, those who did it but didn't enjoy it. Balanced views as it were. But generally, as long as (as TT said) you go in with the right attitude - that it's going to be hard work (you will feel your feet like you never have before!) and the knowledge that you won't get any closer to the guests you'll be fine. It's an amazing experience IMO. *g*
  22. *g* I try. Cons are so much more about socialising with other fans than the guests. Guests are bonus. (To me, at least.) And yes! Come say hi. I'll be in a crew t-shirt and will be well named with a badge that says Kip. (It's so you can avoid me too!) Yup *g* Though making it a 50/50 split it putting weird pictures in my brain. Like which half? Precisely! Everyone does it, because we all have that one guest that we'll go for, but there will still be lots of fun and hopefully those complaining will go with a good attitude, have fun, and realise it's not all about the one guest. Then... everyone is winner. Except Barrowman because he doesn't get the pleasure of our company!
  23. Sir/madam, I like your style Why thank you. I have been to FAR too many cons that I now refuse to believe that a guest is coming until I meet them myself. I am now never disappointed. (But I secretly enjoy the crazy complaint threads that arise. *shifty*) Though we will have fun. I've been to cons that prove that you don't actually need guests to have a crazy good time at all! I am also mega excited about the Hub this time because this time... *whispers* I have actually seen TW. Craziness. *boucnes* Kip (It's madam, but only if you're being really formal. *g*)
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