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Everything posted by Nebitt!!

  1. Nebitt!!


    Meeeep! Can you Meep us back so we know you care? We prefer serial Meepers rather than those that Meep once and leave!
  2. I want Jorja Fox!!! (In so many ways!!) But any from the main CSI would be fantastic!
  3. Nebitt!!


    Wow, not just Queen of Meep but Queen of Posting too! I'm kind of impressed, in 8 months I've only just reached 100!!! And most of them have been Meeping you!!! It is a little pathetic that you looked tho! But hey, you have a goal to move up the pages now!
  4. Very remiss of me, I will be looking for it immediately!!! I've been away, not awake yet!! Excuses, excuses! Hehe. Um... What poll would this be, then?.. Lolz! I think it's the Topics for discussion in C8. That's where I've done what I think is my duty anyway!!!
  5. I don't, I'm so bleedin' bored of that subject!!! (Every holiday we've ever been on! LOL!!!!) So how much did you eat as a kid??? I'm voting for plants as crowd control. How about Triffids, they're suitably sci-fi for the MK show, methinks! And many of the crowd deserve such a fate (especially those with bad sweat, obviously!)
  6. Very remiss of me, I will be looking for it immediately!!! I've been away, not awake yet!!
  7. Nebitt!!


    meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep *passes out* lol Well done that meeper! Better Meep than never! (And don't worry the lack of oxygen to the brain will only improve your ability to Meep effectively!)
  8. For Sarah's benefit, I will confirm that obviously Stuart didn't so much as look at other women. OK that's a lie, but he behaved well apart from a little drooling every so often!!! Egypt was fab - the diving was excellent, the sea was unbelievably clear! And the weather was unbelievably hot! And we saw lots of pufferfish!
  9. Nebitt!!

    Last Post Wins?

    Post holiday where's-the-tan win! (Meep)
  10. Nebitt!!


    That's almost as good as the many colours, I can almost let you off your lack of faith in the Meep for your effective Smilie usage!!!
  11. Nebitt!!


    Why, thankee my Queen!! I trust you are well and it's good to see you have ruled the Land Of Meep so well and so colourfully. Although I see there is a non-believer in our midst!!! How can anyone not bow to the greatness of the Meep??
  12. Oh yeah, forgot a holiday-related one. He's more buoyant than the QE2!!! I needed 6kilos weight to sink in the Red Sea, he broke the diving centre records at 20kilos!!!!! Cher2a - Meeeeeeep!!!
  13. And now we're back, I can't resist the temptation to dish at least a little dirt - it would be churlish not to after the requests! - does he snore ? Snore??? No he doesn't. He creates minor earthquakes!!! (Sarah, you have my eternal admiration for getting sleep!!!). Actually, his wind also creates minor earthquakes, at least it does after a stomach upset in Egypt! - does he cry when he's drunk ? No, he leaves that one to me!!! - Is he as strong as he is tall? Unfortunately yes, I can only beat him in a fight by moving quickly! And his arms are too long!!!! Hmmm. What else? He drinks about twenty cows of milk each day (guess it's needed to keep bones that size strong!) He has no need to jump in volleyball. He has old man's taste in cars. He's an enormous letch, but we all knew that anyway. He is incapable of not organising everyone! He is Dad to everyone he knows (If you think he's organising the forum.....) But better do soppy bit before he hits me - as best mates go, I couldn't have wished for a better one. (Aaaaah). To TMTM - hope you can make it on the Friday of C8. Otherwise we'll all have to find an excuse to meet up some other way.
  14. Nebitt!!

    Last Post Wins?

    Meeeeeeeep. Now I'm off on holiday! Yay! Meep you later. (Iwin)
  15. Beat you too it You spoil all my fun. Call yourself a best mate.
  16. You just want to see a Wookie cry, don't you. *Forwarding to Sarah now...*
  17. Nebitt!!


    Poor Yoda!!! Done nothing to no-one he has!!! *Gives Yoda big cuddle to make him feel better* Can I slap Daniel Logan instead???
  18. Nebitt!!


    May you take a Meep with you wherever you go. Hope to Meep you again soon. Farewell my Queen.
  19. You wish what ARE you implying Mr Moderator?? As if I would ever actually try to 'rub off' on a guest! I get the impression there will be a new crew job - cleaning up the drool (or worse!)... You (she) have my wholehearted support, but only because I need her auto for my complete Voyager collection, not because I want to stare at her breasts or anything.... (Lie mode disengaged) Too Tall will be bumpety bumping everyone out the way to be first in line for the rubbing off, anyway!
  20. Nebitt!!


    Apologies from the King of Meep to the Queen of Meep. I've been ill and unable to Meep properly. I hope you're unbanned by your parents soon!!! A big MEEEEEEP for your return.
  21. I was ticketing for Kate on Saturday. She was very late arriving, then signed like she'd been turbocharged - by lunchtime we'd put the ticket number up to 500 and she'd only been there an 1.5 hours! Maybe she felt guilty about being late and wanted to get through as many people as possible to make up for it. Or maybe she was jetlagged. All I know is that later in the day when it slowed down, she relaxed and allowed photos. And she was fine on Sunday when I met her properly, happy to pose for photos.
  22. Nebitt!!


    A good Meep! Happy Meep day to you too!!!
  23. Nebitt!!

    Last Post Wins?

    There's no Meep for language like that!!! I meep again!
  24. Nebitt!!


    You Meep even better than you dance! Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? To Meep well is a rare quality that not many possess. That's why it's not in the dictionary, to prevent Non-Meepers from destroying the art that is the Beautiful Meep. Lolz! Aw, does that mean I'm a good meeper? Yay meep! Or does that mean I'm a bad dancer, and it's not hard to meep better than I dance? Lolz! *Road runner meeping* Of course it means you are a good Meeper, you gave us the Meeping thread. I love a good Meep!
  25. Nebitt!!

    Last Post Wins?

    I think you have! And a meeping good thing it is too! I meep!
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