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Everything posted by Chris1970

  1. Please, any of these would be amazing: Jeffrey Combs Cary Elwes Shelley Conn Stephen Lang Lucy Punch
  2. For one who is a pure novice to the world of Dr. Who.. How many episodes are we talking about?
  3. The Frighteners, by Peter Jackson. With Michael J Fox 1996
  4. Those 30 seconds are magic, a treasure for life. I had a similar experience when I met Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher (the same day) and it took a good time after to land. "Hello Christian, it is a pleasure to meet you" and a steady handshake from Mark. Carrie gave me a hug and told me it is so lovely to meet and hope she lived up to my 40 years of waiting..told her more than enough. My photo with Carrie is probably my most cherished treasure. She is so missed...
  5. A tiny question, perhaps silly, but is it permitted by forum rules to use photos from photo op from non-SM cons as profile photo or shared here if they dont show any name or indications from which con it comes from?
  6. Love that movie, one big reason I should have come to 2015 LFCC..
  7. Why do I get this picture in my head..
  8. Like I have mention before, why dont we all take each a bike (rental in London) and join the race..drop off close to Olympia. Easy way to get there
  9. Something we wrote Ray.. it puzzles me..ok..write alot, some nonsens..but offensive. Absolutely not my intention..
  10. Must be all the bear pics.. Even I can not see Cumberbatch as offensive. (Sorry saw it now it wasnt a pic..thanks QS)
  11. You know, trying is a success too, fail to do so..you have at least tried.
  12. I say the same as Ray. And at the same time trying to figure out which one it is. I am sure I have been careful and selected something that is not offensive, unless you are sensitive to happy or silly images.
  13. I give up... Cant find anything I would report..
  14. Actually trying to find it..86 pages is hard to search.. Down to page 62..now..
  15. I really could not grip that movie like the first one, not saying it is bad or so, but not as strong as the first one. Mark is cool though.
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