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Danthescifiman last won the day on September 28 2017

Danthescifiman had the most liked content!

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    Does this even still exist? haha

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  1. Can not wait to meet Rahul ontop of Rose and Aly ... as mentioned above it is a shame they where not announced togheter as i could have budgeted for the trio but oh well got all single ops for them
  2. I am so glad some of the main Izombie cast are coming to LFCC Can not wait to meet Aly ... any chance of Robert or Malcom?
  3. Oooo! this is cool! want to meet her just need to decide now if i want to just do Photo op or Diamond pass haha
  4. This is a very tempting shoot as i have not met them before...well apart from David Bradley.
  5. So glad Mike is coming to LFCC kind of guessed so as hes in London anyway around then but so happy i finally get to meet him.
  6. I will keep up my campaign for Gal Gadot .... please! please! please! haha
  7. Really excited that hes coming to LFCC hopefully will be getting a diamond for him if not will have to settle with just a Photo Op.
  8. Awesome him been trying to track him down since he has been in Star Wars hopefully this is my chance :) :)
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