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  1. I wouldn't expect getting a selfie. Totally depends on the guest and the queue. Lucky if you get it, but with a photoshoot you can at least be sure.
  2. Looks like mucky blue is the standard
  3. People wouldn't be selling if nobody was buying. Plus just look on ebay... Last year i even saw someone selling Clint Eastwood's signature for over £200 However, i agree its an experience. I don't think of selling. I met the guests and they signed things FOR ME... Feels kinda lame to flog them on ebay. Anyway... What things do you take to get signed? Do you pick photos they have on the table, or you bring your own?
  4. I didn't make any friends either. Talked to some people in the queues, but then everyone just ran off to different queues never to be seen again
  5. That was Aaron Johnson last year. I just went to him so he wouldn't be that lonely. And Kenny Baker as well... my regret because i already spent the little cash i had Do you mean Aaron Stanford? Aaron Johnson wasn't at LFCC last year. OOOPS! Now i made a most shameful mistake (To my excuse, i know a few more Aarons in RL so i mistake them for each other)
  6. That was Aaron Johnson last year. I just went to him so he wouldn't be that lonely. And Kenny Baker as well... my regret because i already spent the little cash i had
  7. Kim is lovely. I have both professional photo and a selfie. The problem with professional photoshoots is that you only have ONE shot. There is no 'lets try a different angle' or another pose thing. And you can't reshoot if a particular pose or angle made you look fat. As for guests, i got the feeling that some were very tired and fed up with the crowd, so not really willing to interact especially at the end of the day. I also had a feeling that less popular guests were neglected at the tables, while the crowds were mobbing the diamond ones.
  8. I wouldn't count on selfies. They are pure chance depending on a guest. Another event i attended selfies were totally prohibited.
  9. That is a problem that I am familiar with! I know it might seem overboard for 1 book but is there anything you can wheel it around in so you don't have to carry it all day? I am thinking to bring my wheeled suitcase, because there will also be items i'd like to buy at the event. When i met Ron previously i took an SOA comic instead because it was lighter and i was "limited" to a backpack
  10. I wouldn't recommend too many, because there will be clashes, also you'll be running from queue to queue, stressing out, without any time to actually enjoy the event.
  11. I like both. Really I prefer photoshoots, because its more personal, "been there" kinda thing. Autographs and autographed items you can buy somewhere else, however, when getting the autograph you can say something/ ask something/ have some actual conversation with the guest, not like in a photoshoot where it is "stand-click-shoo" I don't have costumes, just dress nicely for the day
  12. I think of getting him to sign his book, but its a heavy thing to lug around
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