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Everything posted by RomeroSavini

  1. 2 photoshoots so far for me... I ussually have 20+ so that says something about the line up for me, in the 10 years of attending the biggest con I have never, ever struggled to book a photoshoot or autograph. I ussually have to stop myself as I spend wayyy tooo much.... not this year I guess.
  2. I take it he has sold out Sunday as well now. You snooze, ya loose :-(
  3. Being boiled alive in 30 degree heat in London..... Nooooooooooooooo! Fan ready!
  4. Yes some do :-) but not many bigger guests will. It is down to looking what they are doing on the day. Hope for the best I say.
  5. I can remember the ET bike was there maybe 3 or 4 years ago. I cannot remember was there was an ET alien in the basket? I cannot find photos of it. As may go for the bike shoot with Henry if little ET is in there. As hey we need that long necked alien :-D
  6. I could only get Batch 5! Either something went wrong or he is selling out today.
  7. Ohhhh him and Doug together I never clocked on they were different days.... noooo
  8. In theory it sounds fun, in reality not haha hours in a line, all day in a venue. I would never in my life bring a child, ever. It's hard for adults at over crowded cons, I see how some children suffer in the heat and crushing crowds as well. I have seen some horrible situations over the years with small kids and babies, no way I put my child at risk. I would literally be arrested if someone pushed my child out the way like I have seen other selfish people do. So cons are for me alone
  9. Did I miss the announcement for this 2021 Summer con? This is the confirmed new date I assume as its on this forum. As I may not be able to go as my Fiancee wants to go away on a hen doooo..... I will be left holding toddler..... i can feel myself wanting to cry.....acctually missing LFCC 2 years in a row would destroy me Beyond words.....
  10. Ohhhhh Hollister :-) Currently rewatching Red Dwarf from the beginning to end....the joy! but I want him on my - Aliens Laserdisc with nearly all the rest of the cast :-D one day..... one day......
  11. Whhooooaaaaa there! Thats lovely Love the way you managed to get them all using that same colour pen. Consistency, hard to do sometimes.
  12. Yup it was my thought as well about all the franchise on it. We may end up with a lot of films and TV spin offs, so you will need that tasty blank space
  13. That is beautiful....so simple, yet pow! and so much room for so mamy more signatures :-D The films all have such a variety of artwork that its a great time to see so much effort put into the films posters/discs and just everything inbetween about the films.
  14. Scary...... its like a legal drug this announcement lark..... ohhh ahhhhh be still my beating heart (and bank account)...
  15. Ahhhh it feels nice when you paid for a show and bump into people from it, its nice just to just say I liked the show. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside letting them know haha
  16. What I meant was where did you meet him not round the back of a theatre I guess.
  17. Ahhh good old Paul, he needs a UK visit now he is in a hit show again. So I can selfishly finish my Aliens cast laserdisc:-D he is one of the few left! So PAUL REISER Please Jason if you are reading this :-D
  18. He was on London Friday and Saturday I believe. Doing interviews for Doolittle etc... about the only chance we the public have of grabbing him for photos and signatures is outside the places he visits or stays. That means many hours of waiting for him, and him maybe not even coming out the door you are waiting at. Sadly.
  19. Yeah I do think his line will be insanity. I really am not sure if I can be bothered to stand hours in a line to get something signed, it ruins my day standing around wasting my day like that. Either I get a low line ticket and be one of the first in line, or I am stuffed sadly.
  20. We can dream. Fingers crossed. Met him a while back, but he said he was jet lagged and not looking good haha So wouldnt do photos, still signed gladly. So I need a photo with Nick and Simon still (or any other cast members from their films/TV stuff). Nick is going to be insanely busy being there one day and so cheap in price. I may need to camp out at 3am this year to be first haha
  21. The Descent. Flat out staggering film. Perfect beyond words. Need her on my Blu Ray with the rest I have so far.....
  22. Now thats a guest! Yikes whod had thought an ET reuinion was afoot! Nice.
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