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Everything posted by Zombiebeegee

  1. What's your opinion on dont forget your toothbrush???
  2. Matt berry would be cool, especially as clem fandango is already there !!!!
  3. I was gutted when they got rid of the winter lfcc , really liked it. So fingers crossed for a new winter lfcc
  4. I've thought about starting a maid Marian poster (what with Tony Robinson and Mike Edmonds at collectormania) and Danny John jules being a con regular but have never seen a poster to start one with!!!! I'll look out for you at lfcc and try and grab a photo !!!!
  5. More police academy guests please!!!!!!
  6. Christina Ricci for sure, kane hodder and a few original trilogy star wars guests !!!!
  7. Was gonna do a pre order but noticed hes not on the pre order site, anyone able to give the right people a nudge before I miss the deadline!!!
  8. Well you've got a couple of Jason voorhees attending so why not a couple of Michael Myers - Tony Moran, dick warlock and George p Wilbur!!!
  9. Awesome announcement !!!! Fingers crossed for more jason voorhees and possibly some michael myers announcements!!!!!
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