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Knitty Fred

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Everything posted by Knitty Fred

  1. When you've been dealing with US finance a lot that happens. They put commas where we put periods and viceversa. And in the UK we use full stops rather than periods
  2. It should be clear once the floor plan has been released but it's an all in one building (unlike Earls Court was) so will be pretty clear anyway.
  3. Depends which day you're talking about. Friday there is no tube line between Earls Court and Olympia but there is a replacement bus service. Saturday and Sunday the District Line is running between Earls Court and Olympia but the remainder of the District/Circle line in the vicinity is closed. Piccadilly not affected so it may just be the programming parameters.
  4. As further thought on NoName's post check your card if it has the contactless icon on it. Mine does but I always chip and PIN That's not my name! It's because I was using the Wrong Name - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it lol
  5. I've posted over in one of the other threads but with the track works and that part of District/Circle line being closed for the weekend it occurred to check the part that runs between Earls Court and Olympia and that will be running on Saturday and Sunday but there's a bus service on the Friday.
  6. I've just double-checked on the TfL website (not sure why I didn't the other day when we were talking about it on the other thread (and I'll go post this info there as well)) and although Circle/District line in the vicinity is closed over the weekend for refurb the Earls Court-Olympia part of the District line is up and running. https://tfl.gov.uk/plan-a-journey/results?IsAsync=true&JpType=publictransport&InputFrom=Earl%27s+Court+Underground+Station&From=Earl%27s+Court+Underground+Station&FromId=1000064&InputTo=Kensington+Olympia+Station&To=Kensington+Olympia+Station&ToId=1000170&TimeIs=departing&Date=20150718&Time=1000&Mode=bus&Mode=tube&Mode=national-rail&Mode=dlr&Mode=overground&Mode=tflrail&Mode=river-bus&Mode=tram&Mode=cable-car&Mode=coach&CyclePreference=AllTheWay&WalkingSpeed=average&JourneyPreference=leasttime&InputVia=&DataSetsJson=[[%22stopPoints%22%2C%22journeyPlannerNoSubmit%3FInput%3D{{input}}%22]]&Modes=tube%2Cdlr%2Coverground%2Ctflrail%2Cbus%2Criver-bus%2Ctram%2Ccable-car%2Cnational-rail&Via=&ViaId=&NationalSearch=false&AccessibilityPreference=norequirements&WalkingSpeed=average&MaxWalkingMinutes=40&SavePreferences=false&IsMultipleJourneySelection=False&JourneyType=&IsCycleHireOriginOrDestination=False&OnChosenOptionScreen=False&IsPastWarning=False
  7. Tube from Earls Court is closed at the weekend and it's bus service on the Friday.
  8. As further thought on NoName's post check your card if it has the contactless icon on it. Mine does but I always chip and PIN
  9. And dont forget now that we've had the longest day winter is coming
  10. Just get your hand stamped by the crew members on your wait out and you can come and go as you please. Circumstances arising last year were an exceptional occurrence and SM have already said that capacity will not be exceeded so the reported "one out one in" isn't a likelihood..
  11. Double check on the TfL website but am sure that buses also do contactless payments with your bank card.
  12. Do you have an unusual passion for socks? Perhaps she knits them, just like me.
  13. The halls being utilised will be confirmed once the floor plan is uploaded by TooTall which he's said should be tomorrow.
  14. I was responsible for sending out four sets of papers items by special delivery last year (I work for a firm of solicitors) and two of them were for the same address. The firm has its post collected by Royal Mail and only one of the four ever arrived at the actual destination. Just mentioning as proof of an indication that it happens.
  15. I personally always take my own refreshments when I'm at a show as have found the range and quality available is poor whilst the cost is exorbitant because the venue know they have a captive market. For example, would you be prepared to pay £4 for a sandwich which you only like half the contents of. When choosing stuff to pack avoid anything that's likely to melt, such as chocolate else you'll have quite a mess in your bag. (Am remembering the occasion I went on a summer hike with school and packed chocolate here - yeurgh!).
  16. There are track works on the Saturday/Sunday for that part of the District line. Personnally I'd recommend either going to Earls Court or Barons Court on the Piccadilly line and walking from there as its about 10-15 minutes walk from either. I'd also make that recommenation for the Friday as opposed to the going via overground. The Friday route will probably take you far longer to do the route you plan by train (factoring in waiting time as well as route time) than it will take to walk.
  17. Weekends are a lot quiter than during the week. Makes me laugh with people on local train service complaining the trains are crowded - until you've spent five days a week smelling someone else's armpit as there's nowhere to move you've not been on a crowded train.
  18. I wouldn't worry - London transport is completely different to Yorkshire transport. Strikes are always well advertised ahead of the event and if there were no tubes then the buses are there. It's one of the things I miss about living down there - I mean the tube runs till about midnight and then the night buses kick in which are about hourly with buses during the day being every few minutes unlike services in Yorkshire which are every half hour or one which goes through our village that's once every other hour!
  19. There are track works on the Saturday/Sunday for that part of the District line. Personnally I'd recommend either going to Earls Court or Barons Court on the Piccadilly line and walking from there as its about 10-15 minutes walk from either. I'd also make that recommenation for the Friday as opposed to the going via overground.
  20. It certainly wouldnt be the first time that the press have exaggerated something - I know I got misquoted for an interview I did several years ago. Are you also sure they're talking about LFCC and not the one overseas? SM are also unlikely to exceed health and safety limits.
  21. To start, don't call her 'old' Sigourney Weaver, haha. Totally agree - I mean have you seen what she's done with Xenomorphs ever since one of them upset her cat?
  22. And as a gold pass holder you'll get priority at the photoshoot in any event - just make sure you alert the crew to the fact as it doesn't give you a different coloured aura for them to see
  23. The number against Neve's name doesn't relate to the batch - it just indications first session, second session etc. If you re-read TT's initial post you'll see batch 3 can probably attend the first session, but if not then the second. However, as already said you can go at any time after your batch has been called as long as you're there at least 5 minutes before the end of the final session.
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