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Everything posted by LadyDeTemps

  1. I liked this weeks episode. *ducks*
  2. I liked the original while Grissom was in it. Just not the same afterwards.
  3. That's what they had said, yes. I think it's about time, it feels like there's nowhere really left for it to go. Getting back on topic, I had no idea that there was a remake of MacGyver! From what's been said though, I'm not sure I'll be watching. I'd say give it a go don't go by just the first episode. Its warming up as it goes along.
  4. I'd like to combine Sherlock and elementary to make a hybrid show. Sherlock has forgotten its about solving the mystery and not just Sherlock posing and showing off. Elementary is a little formulaic and needs a few twists and deduction. But I'll still watch both.
  5. Well I liked the doctor who tv movie when everyone else hated it, so I'm kinda used to it. But then I had those feelings about the three musketeers bbc series at first as it took the names from the books and then just completely ignored any of the story. But then once I stopped comparing I got to like it. I even cosplayed as a female version of feron.
  6. I do think the son if macgyver route would have been a good way of satisfying the new and old fans. And TBH that's what I thought the concept was till I googled it. I like it because it reminds me of the 90s series Bugs, which I miss. Now that would be nice to see a return or remake of...we never did find out what happened to ros and Beckett.
  7. So anyone else been watching the new series? I've not seen the original bar a few clips and reference in stargate/Simpsons. But I'm really enjoying this remake.
  8. I'd go for photoshoots as it is garunteed. I'm not someone who could stand in line for hours only to be disappointed. If I could book autos that would be good but for now I'll stick to photos...even if I do look like a dork in them.
  9. Don't worry I blushed so red I looked like a beetroot in my photo. Lol
  10. Ooh, ariadnee Oliver. Might have to break out my miss lemon cospay.
  11. Leaning towards blue ball gown version of grace from the doctor who tv movie. With prop of a bag full of the doctors personal effects. That or something star wars.
  12. I quite like the latest version. Plus I don't know what a soccer mum is supposed to look like? Lol
  13. I'll probably be going as frigga from Thor the dark world. I think it will work best for the heat. My back up is a rockabilly twist on supergirl.
  14. Well I refuse to get up at silly o clock to queue. I've got to get up pretty early to get a train to get me there for 9.30. So hopefully I will join a rapidly diminishing queue.
  15. I think its all subjective. I think uk tv stars are big guests...and I'm not interested in the film stars. Where as others will see it differently. And see film stars as the ones to see. I'm only considering going this year as there is more space and less guests. Plus there is one person I want to get a pic with...and one an auto.
  16. Peter capaldi, then I can get photo with missy and the doctor
  17. I'm thinking that might be my best bet.I just didn't want to be the lone cosplayer getting of at earls court and walking. Earliest train I can get appears to get me there 30-45mins after doors open. So I can kiss goodbye to vqs for autos. So I'll book photos instead.
  18. How long does it take for normal entry to get in after doors open?
  19. I'm aiming for the Saturday as I wouldn't even attempt a Sunday on the trains.
  20. Now its at Olympia do you recommend getting off at Kensington Olympia station or one of the other stations and walking? How busy was it last time? I'm travelling from the south east, to London and then across it. So trying to work my way round line closures. :/
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