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About Cdgaskin

  • Birthday 03/26/1982

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Runner (1/23)



  1. My wife was very happy that i got holly and brians autographs for her.... and as she couldnt come last minute to meet them herself, brian very kindly did a hello video on my phone for her as well... he was a fantastic fella..... :)
  2. now with real lightsabres by Gaskin Photography, on Flickr thought id do a bit of PP on this one if this is you, let me know and ill chuck you the full size copy :)
  3. Michael was a true legend, his panel was fantastic and as real bonus which made my day.... while i was taking pictures at the side of the Judge Dredd panel, he comes walking in after the clip and then stands beside me and we have a good ole chinwag about Karl, the film and our own answers for the questions in the Q and A... just before it finished, shakes my hand, "nice chatting with you Chris" and he leaves.......it was surreal to say the least...... im still grinning like an idiot now. Please have him back again!!
  4. all my pics taken on sunday are here: [media=]http://www.flickr.com/photos/gaskinphotography/sets/72157630486667536/[/media] theres quite alot of cosplay pics in there.... email me cdgaskin@hotmail.com if you see yourself and want the full size original (no charge lol)
  5. Let me know if you get here today cos I can give you a lift home fella
  6. Ill be up at 4.30am and I'm leaving Huntingdon at 5.15am if you are interested in a lift (I'd ask a tenner towards petrol) email me a contact number and I'll give you a ring, ain't going to bed to early tonight so don't worry I'd it's late when you read this
  7. I'm coming from Huntingdon.... Email me fella: cdgaskin@hotmail.com
  8. It is not a big no no unless there is a sign up saying no videoing. But it will be very busy today, so you may be asked not to. I'm going tomorrow, so hopefully it may be quieter, but thank you for letting me know, I'll have to see at the time, cheers Queen_Sindel. :)
  9. I was wondering what the etiquette on videoing was? My wife's a charmed nut, so what are the chances of Brian or holly just saying hi on couple of seconds vid recorded on my iPhone? Or is this a biiiig no no? Can you tell I'm an LFCC virgin
  10. This will be my first ever Comiccon and I'm gonna be doing a kinda photo diary of the day, so yeah, I shall be seeking you all out, and don't worry, I will be asking you first :) I'll be there on Sunday btw
  11. Just a quick question, it's my first time coming to this event and I want to bring my camera, a DSLR, will this be ok? I know this maybe a stupid question but I've be denied it before as it looks like a pro camera... :/
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