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  1. The 2025 dates for the London Comic Mart have been announced: Sunday 2nd February Sunday 30th March Sunday 11th May Sunday 22nd June Sunday 10th August Sunday 5th October Sunday 30th November One change Showmasters have made for 2025 is that admission to these events at the Royal National Hotel is no longer free from noon - it costs just a pound to have "Comic Con" inked onto the back of your hand. "Early Bird Entry" from eleven o'clock costs £5, if you want to snap up some swift bargains... though not every table may be fully open for business then. You can, however, get in without being charged if you wait until two o'clock. You may find it sensible to check the http://londoncomicmart.co.uk website for any last-minute updates, or further details. The Royal National Hotel, postcode WC1H ODG, is within easy walking distance of Russell Square underground station, and not all that far from Euston and King's Cross main line stations, come to that. The official closing time is 4:00pm, or when the dealers run out of stuff to sell. We'll have our Funko Pop friends alongside us, and of course it's a great opportunity to pick up some hard-to-find vintage dvds, blu-rays, and books and magazines at bargain prices too...
  2. The 2024 dates for the London Comic Mart have been announced: Sunday 4th February Sunday 7th April Sunday 12th May Sunday 23rd June Sunday 11th August Sunday 6th October Sunday 1st December The autumn date has been changed from the previously-announced 22nd September. As usual, admission to these events at the Royal National Hotel is free from noon - "Early Bird Entry" from eleven o'clock costs £5, if you want to snap up some swift bargains... though not every table may be fully open for business then. You may find it sensible to check the http://londoncomicmart.co.uk website for any last-minute updates, or further details. The Royal National Hotel is within easy walking distance of Russell Square underground station, and not all that far from Euston and King's Cross main line stations, come to that. The official closing time is 4:00pm, or when the dealers run out of stuff to sell. We'll have our Funko Pop friends alongside us, and of course it's a great opportunity to pick up some hard-to-find vintage dvds, blu-rays, and books and magazines at bargain prices too...
  3. The dates for the 2023 London Comic Marts have now been released: Sunday 5th February Sunday 2nd April Sunday 7th May Sunday 25th June Sunday 6th August Sunday 24th September Sunday 10th December As usual, admission to these events at the Royal National Hotel is free from noon - "Early Bird Entry" from eleven o'clock costs £5, if you want to snap up some swift bargains... though not every table may be fully open for business then. You may find it sensible to check the http://londoncomicmart.co.uk website for any last-minute updates, or further details. The Royal National Hotel is within easy walking distance of Russell Square underground station, and not all that far from Euston and King's Cross main line stations, come to that. The official closing time is 4:00pm, or when the dealers run out of stuff to sell. We'll have our Funko Pop friends alongside us, and of course it's a great opportunity to pick up some hard-to-find vintage dvds, blu-rays, and books and magazines at bargain prices too... The August mart wasn't on the original flyers, but it's good to know we have an event between the June and September ones! The date for December has been changed, from the 3rd to the 10th.
  4. The dates for the 2022 London Comic Marts have now been released: Sunday 30th JanuarySunday 13th MarchSunday 8th MaySunday 26th JuneSunday 14th AugustSunday 9th OctoberSunday 27th November As usual, admission to these events at the Royal National Hotel is free from noon - "Early Bird Entry" from eleven o'clock costs £5, if you want to snap up some swift bargains... though not every table may be fully open for business then. You may find it sensible to check the http://londoncomicmart.co.uk website for any last-minute updates, or further details. The Royal National Hotel is within easy walking distance of Russell Square underground station, and not all that far from Euston and King's Cross main line stations, come to that. The official closing time is 4:00pm, or when the dealers run out of stuff to sell. We'll probably have our Funko Pop friends alongside us, and of course it's a great opportunity to pick up some hard-to-find dvds, blu-rays, and books at bargain prices too...
  5. The London Comic Marts are back: Sunday 23rd May Sunday 22nd August Sunday 3rd October Sunday 12th December To quote the Facebook announcement, "Following the government announcement on the reduction of Covid restrictions from Monday 17th May, Showmasters are very pleased to announce the return of its live shows. This will start with the London Comic Mart which will be taking place at the Royal National Hotel in London on Sunday 23rd May 2021. The show will bring together some of the UK’s leading Comic exhibitors and whether you are looking for the latest releases or that rare vintage item, this is the place to find them. Jason Joiner, Managing Director of Showmasters Ltd said “ It is great that we are now able to return to running live events and cant wait to see our attendees again. Whilst it is good to return to live shows we also want to reassure our audience that all necessary steps have been taken to ensure our show will meet the revised Covid guidelines but will still allow everybody to enjoy the Comic Mart they know and Love. Our Comic Cons and other events will be taking place across the UK as advertised later in the year." As usual, Early Entry from 11:00 is £5, and from noon admission is free.
  6. 23rd May is starting to seem a little too soon, but hey, there's still a month to go. Perhaps a different layout at the hotel, with slightly fewer tables allowing wider aisles so that we are able to keep a distance from other shoppers, would be an option? It's possible that there would be a limit on the number of people who could be inside at the same time, like supermarkets, which might be awkward, but sensible.
  7. The June mart is now off the schedule, a new Facebook post tells us - "Our next planned event is now 23 August."
  8. In case anyone is just following this thread, the news is that this weekend's event has just been cancelled. A shame, but in light of recent events, sensible.
  9. Yes, today's official forum post, also on Facebook, confirms this weekend's event is still scheduled to take place - just don't go along if you have a cough, a high temperature, muscle pains, or are old enough for the government to be advising self-isolation. Travelling by London Underground shouldn't be a problem, as the carriages are likely to be far less crowded than usual, and if you plan to drive in, the chances are that there will be more parking spaces empty than usual. Time to stock up on some good vintage (or new) reading, to keep us going for a while!
  10. Posted today by Showmasters on Facebook:
  11. The weather seems to have calmed down a bit - I'm sure the dealers will be very glad to see us!
  12. I can report that the Royal National Hotel is now back to normal, so there shouldn't be any problems with this coming Sunday's event. There should be lots of new stuff to buy!
  13. Yes, we'll be back at the Royal National Hotel on December 1st - it will be interesting to see what changes have been made to the place. I intend to go along to a paperbacks 'n' pulps event there this coming Sunday (nothing to do with Showmasters), so will report further if there are any delays or problems.
  14. The dates for the London Comic Mart in 2020 have now been announced: 21st June (was cancelled) 16th August (now cancelled) 4th October 6th December 22nd March and 17th May were also cancelled, due to the pandemic. As usual, admission to these events at the Royal National Hotel is free from noon - "Early Bird Entry" from eleven o'clock costs £5, if you want to snap up some swift bargains... though not every table may be fully open for business then. You may want to check the http://londoncomicmart.co.uk website for any last-minute updates, or further details. The Royal National Hotel is within easy walking distance of Russell Square underground station, and not all that far from Euston and King's Cross main line stations, come to that. The official closing time is 4:00pm, or when the dealers run out of stuff to sell. We'll continue to have our Funko Pop friends alongside us, and of course it's a great opportunity to pick up some hard-to-find dvds, blu-rays, and books at bargain prices too...
  15. … And I've just edited the original post here. To quote today's Facebook post:
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