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legolas' mistress

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Everything posted by legolas' mistress

  1. ooooo..lovely hehe thank you showmasters!
  2. Am very glad a perfect choice IMO!!!
  3. Jeremy Irons lives in a pink castle in Ireland I do believe...just like Archie off of Balamory...!!Just for that reason alone he is a legend
  4. Ill swipe it for you....Bristol Zoo is only down the road *puts on black clothes and a balaclava*
  5. oooo....gets colouring a lot of card pink!!!
  6. JEREMY IRONS...tell him I love him and his pink castle!
  7. Well I am frequently in Fliss' company...being with her hardens you to be scared, just because she is soo scary all of the time!
  8. I think Brian May should be the next doctor who....Good mad hair, he likes space, and he's a little eccentric...perfect!!! And he could play the theme music too...
  9. Paul McGann definatly...can't believe you left him out...*sniff*
  10. ooo hello...nice to see/hear from you not long til Paul McGanness now !! Hows you Mr David sir?
  11. I got well excited today there's a film with Orlando Bloom in it and he LOOKS LIKE A MAN!!! Saw the poster thing for Kingdom of Heaven...couldn't believe it...I stood for a full 5 minutes head in the air in the middle of Lidls car park looking at the picture of orlando bloom looking masculine...its AMAZING.... Must see it *cough* jeremy irons *cough* sorry but this made an impression on me today...that was just before I got to the post office sorting office to pick up some crap I bougth off ebay INCLUDING MY GIANT PAUL MCGANN POSTER....and the bloody place wasnt EVEN OPEN...I wasalmost brought to tears... NEWHO greetings to all *waves*
  12. Dont hurt yoursefl before the big day (weekend) will you !
  13. Thank you Mr David..that was most helpful..you are a legend!
  14. monkeymonkeymonkeymonkeymonkeymonkeymonkeymonkeymonkeymonkeymonkeymonkeymonkey... I LOVE MARTINI!!
  15. He's not as good as Paul McGann but he'll do I suppose...actually to be fair is a bit lush, his personality is fantastic, a really good doctor who...ROLL ON 7pm!
  16. HEHE...good choice Emily...I'm loving it!!
  17. Paul McGann.....he can sign anything he likes...I will treasure it like one of own children! Man I need help!
  18. Good work...I hate it when they get pissed when you go to make a good sliding save and the striker gives you s*** about it...Can't they just DEAL WITH IT......ARRRGGGGGGGGH! You're brave changing clubs although im sure they love you lots as they are lucky to have you, hope all goes well hehe PAUL MCGANN AT C7!
  19. Oooo not long to go now....can't believe McGanness is coming to C7....*dances with delight*
  20. David Tennant would be fantastic if Mr McGann cannot come back *sniff*...but he has to be Scottish like dog intended!!
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