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Party Themes Announced! :-)

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Hi everyone,


The party themes for Chevron 7.8 are below. I know that you need as long as possible to plan and sorry that they have only just gone up. I hope that still gives people enough time to really put in the amazing effort that a lot of you always do for your costumes!


I hope you like the themes. Thanks to TK-Lee for the Friday Time Travel theme! (Yes, I stole it)! And I figured if it ain't broke don't fix it, so I used all your description as well! Hope that's ok mate.


Always remember as well that the parties are completely inclusive and we hope everyone will join us, whether in costume or not.


Thanks and I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!


Mark :D



FRIDAY - Time Travel


Uh Oh,, It's all gone wrong for SG-1 they keep getting thrown back in time,, how will they deal with varid people from different periods in history,, not just earth history that of any of the worlds lead to by the stargate,, will they encounter human history, Jaffa History the Unas back once long ago,, you never know you might even see a furling?!?!?


SATURDAY - Galaxy Peace Conference & Ball


All the races of the many galaxies unite to work out their differences at the Galaxy Peace Conference. Obviously every species will want to show themselves off in the best light possible, so their cultures finest formal clothing will be on display for the conference, whilst anything goes for the evening ball!




We all know that the Stargate Universe is a massive one! Unfortunately for the show if the same name we didn't get to explore it as much as any of us would have liked. So, for the party this evening we want to see all the aliens that we never got to meet! Let your imaginations run wild and show us who Dr Rush, Colonel Young and the rest of the Destiny crew never got to meet!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Are the Party Theme still going in the same order or are they changing
As nothing has been announced to indicate otherwise, it is the same as originally stated.


From what I can recall it's not very often that the themes, or the days, are changed.

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I love these themes. I have a feeling people will have awesome ideas. :)


I've been thinking what costume could I put together since the announcement is out, but so far not a single good idea.. Have to look around really. :)



I've been collecting little bits and pieces since they announced the themes. It was actually a hair grip from a supermarket which gave me an idea for Sunday night, I'm not saying it's a good idea but I'm going to go with it lol

Saturday day night I'm thinking about wearing a long black formal dressy dress. For Friday night I've been playing with a Victorian theme but that's not working out so well.

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I love these themes. I have a feeling people will have awesome ideas. :)


I've been thinking what costume could I put together since the announcement is out, but so far not a single good idea.. Have to look around really. :)



I've been collecting little bits and pieces since they announced the themes. It was actually a hair grip from a supermarket which gave me an idea for Sunday night, I'm not saying it's a good idea but I'm going to go with it lol

Saturday day night I'm thinking about wearing a long black formal dressy dress. For Friday night I've been playing with a Victorian theme but that's not working out so well.


I'm thinking Greek for Friday:) Want Nox for Saturday but not sure I will manage, and Sunday... have wild idea in my head but don't know if I can pull it off...:dance::D So exciting:D :P

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I love these themes. I have a feeling people will have awesome ideas. :)


I've been thinking what costume could I put together since the announcement is out, but so far not a single good idea.. Have to look around really. :)



I've been collecting little bits and pieces since they announced the themes. It was actually a hair grip from a supermarket which gave me an idea for Sunday night, I'm not saying it's a good idea but I'm going to go with it lol

Saturday day night I'm thinking about wearing a long black formal dressy dress. For Friday night I've been playing with a Victorian theme but that's not working out so well.



Well for Saturday I'll probably go with a nice formal dress too.

For the rest.. I've seen some cool stuff here and there, but have to make up my mind actually how much do I want to spend on it and what theme to choose.. Not gonna be easy, I'll be happy to complete one costume (not counting the Saturday dress :) ).


I hope I'll get a brilllliant idea from somewhere. :wub:

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I love these themes. I have a feeling people will have awesome ideas. :)


I've been thinking what costume could I put together since the announcement is out, but so far not a single good idea.. Have to look around really. :)



I've been collecting little bits and pieces since they announced the themes. It was actually a hair grip from a supermarket which gave me an idea for Sunday night, I'm not saying it's a good idea but I'm going to go with it lol

Saturday day night I'm thinking about wearing a long black formal dressy dress. For Friday night I've been playing with a Victorian theme but that's not working out so well.


I'm thinking Greek for Friday:) Want Nox for Saturday but not sure I will manage, and Sunday... have wild idea in my head but don't know if I can pull it off...:YAHOO::wub: So exciting:D :YAHOO:



oo Greek is a good one. Nox would be awesome like you said hard to recreate but I've seen people pull off some awesome costumes so go for it!


I think Saturday night I'm going to have to go as 'human'. My 'alien costume will have to be for Sunday night.



friday charactor from sg1 series 9

saturday blue big headed Ailen maybe same on sunday



I absolutely can't wait to see 'big blue headed Alien'


Good idea about being the same alien on Sunday too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too have been ravaging my brain, and closet, and internet... for ideas to no avail! Too many choices to decide :D


I do have a formal ball gown though, so I might just go with that for Saturday, and will have to come up with something interesting for the other nights...

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