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I've Just Seen The Video Thats All Over The News


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You know, I am still going to let this thread continue, but I have to say that I would prefer it turned back into a discussion about the act, rather than a discussion about how to see the act.


If you want to see it, then please just go off and find it yourself. I don't want this forum to be used as a place for gaining access to this particular piece of video.


I'm not being a killjoy, ( although I'm sure I sound like one ), and I do understand that people have legitimate reasons for wanting to see it, but please just use this thread for discussing it sensibly, and not for finding it.





Apologies Mark

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I have now seen the said video, I'm not really sure quite to make of it. It seems almost unreal that these people can do this sort of thing. I have nothing more to say on this, I will keep my opinions to myself on this one.

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Well, I couldn't find the video and I don't know if I want to see it or not - I think it would seem quite unreal really, like a film. Not good. But I DID see all of the photos that have been released, and also some photos of the execution, and I just can't understand how people can do that do each other. Maybe the Iraqis have been brainwashed into hating certain people but surely they must feel a little bit of guilt at what they're doing? Some photos of prisoners and mutilated victims are sick and I really can't believe that this sort of thing still goes on today.

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I ave a family member that was in Iraq at the beginning of the war, he is only 20, he will be going back there again just before his 21st birthday, and i am totaly grossed out by wot is goin on with the "so called Pics" and now this Video that is doin the rounds on the net. I feel for the family of the man,, and for all the familys of the dead soliders american, british, etc.


But i am glad that that evil man is not in power in Iraq anymore.....



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Having finally recovered from watching the said video, I figured I might as well add my comments on it.


I for one do not believe for one minute or at least I find it hard to believe that any of this would have happened if it weren't for a certain newspapers publishing certain photos of Iraqs being abused in prison. I admit I do not know the full story as I don't really pay attention to news much these days, since its always doom and gloom.


But what a sickening way to respond to these picures, which from what I can see has turned out to be a hoax all along, well according to the BBC News website, they apologised. I think that is what makes me sick more than anything, if it weren't for these pictures one would have to question whether this would have happened.


It makes me extremely sad that as a Mother, I have bought my children into a world where all this is happening. I understand there will always be fights of one kind or another going on, but we really are reducing ourselves to sick ways of dealing issues.


I am not going to talk about the video in detail, I am sure most people by now have seen images on the news and in newspapers, but my god, to show this on tv is disturbing. I hope to god their kids weren't watching it - what kind of example is this to set to future generations?


I remember when the Twin Towers was on literally every channel, I had to explain to my then three/four year old why there were people crying, I even had to in a round about way explain what had happened (I made out it was a terrible accident). But I fear that this sort of thing is going to be so common to see in our media.


My heart goes out to the family.



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  • Showmasters Admin
If you want to close this topic then I will understand.


I was just looking at it as a more serious topic of discussion and was just interested in peoples views.

If I wanted to close the topic I would have done!


I have no problem with a sensible discussion about a serious issue, and that is what this is.


From my own point of view, instances like this are brought to the publics attention, and that is what makes it seem so horrible. The reality is that it is real, and really happening. In fact, nasty things like this, and far worse, happen every day, and it is a sad state of affairs when we are so de-sensitized to this type of thing that we let most of it pass us by.


The best example I can give from my view point is when I saw Saving Private Ryan. Until that point I had always seen the Second World War as this conglomoration of battles that happened where lots of people died. There was no 'real' side to it, as it was not something that I experienced. Watching that film brought it home to me that in all war there is a human element that is tragic for every single person invloved. We hear that X disaster had 10 people die, and we tend to think that ten is not that big of a disaster, and yet that is 10 families that will never recover from having their lives devastated. Ultimately, we cannot imagine what it is like to fight in a war, or live somewhere like Iraq. We may think we can imagine it, but we can't. Nothing prepares you for the constant feeling of dread, or the psychological effect that it must have, forever.


We can only count ourselves lucky that we live where we do, and do what we can to change the world for the better. But we should never undervalue the people who have, or do fight for us. It's not good enough to just say ' It's their job '!, because if they didn't do it, we would have to, just like our Grandparents and their parents.



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Vamps.. you seem to place a big emphasis on the UK faked photos as being a contributory factor, but don't forget the US abuse photos that were published first and for which people will face legal recourse.


Unfortunately, this type of barbaric action is nothing new..Throughout the annuls of history, these sort of acts (and worse as Mark has said) occur all too frequently..


Perhaps its a human trait at times of warfare which is not surprising when you consider the stresses and strains of seeing your friends and loved ones murdered for what is often no worthy reason other than political or religious gain. (most human conflict can be connected to religion)


The difference these days is that a lot of these acts are now filmed and available to the masses..

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Vamps.. you seem to place a big emphasis on the UK faked photos as being a contributory factor, but don't forget the US abuse photos that were published first and for which people will face legal recourse.


Unfortunately, this type of barbaric action is nothing new..Throughout the annuls of history, these sort of acts (and worse as Mark has said) occur all too frequently..


Perhaps its a human trait at times of warfare which is not surprising when you consider the stresses and strains of seeing your friends and loved ones murdered for what is often no worthy reason other than political or religious gain. (most human conflict can be connected to religion)


The difference these days is that a lot of these acts are now filmed and available to the masses..

Hey there, no I didn't mean to make a big emphasis on the UK newspapers, sorry if it looked that way huns.


In response to your last comment - I think also the reason we are seeing more of it on our tv/internet or whatever kind of media source you use, is that regardless of whether we like it or not, everyone has a sort of natural curiosity to crime, the more serious it is, the more intrigued and fascinated we are by it. Why else do you think there is always crime on the tv, you look in shops and they actually have the biggest selection of crime books than anything else.


Also we are more open and able to talk about these issues like we are now, I get the feeling that such things were pretty much swept under the rug and never talked about before.


I mean christ its one thing to go an dkill an animal, I don't think I could do it, but then I wouldn't have an issue with someone else doing it (so long as it was for survival purposes), but what the hell goes through these people minds who carry out such acts, do they feel the same or different to those for example who carry out executions?


Its all so mind boggling, I still tihnk the press from whatever country is to blame though, I just hope they can live with themselves after seeing what they have caused.

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yeah i saw the vid. wasn't really that bad there are way worse vids of similar stuff out there on the net. plus the quality was awful so u cant really see it properly. i was quite surprised how shocked some people were about it, like SM said, theres stuff like this and MUCH worse going on all the time in the world.

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it seems wrong that its available to be seen to public, its like spying to me, like.. in the same way i felt guilty for reading kurt cobains journal. its just weird.

No its not weird, just a natural curiosity huns, there is nothing wrong with it. At least I don't think there is. We all regularly read magazines, newspaers watch the news, documentaries, maybe it is almost like spying, but we all take part in it.

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