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6.13 Wedding of River Song

king b

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Liked it, mostly. Thought the style and pace were good, nice mention of the Brigadier, some great acting though Alex pretty much stole the show again I thought.


Will have to watch it back again I think but what a cop-out solution. I guessed that ages ago but it leads to one very big issue with one aspect of the story in particular but don't really want to bring it up right now for those that haven't seen it yet.


I'm sure there'll be much discussion at EMS tomorrow.

Edited by Rockstar6662
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tonights ep had alot of minor niggles for me, but I loved it, got misty eyed on a few occasions


im a little confused as to what he whispers to river that doc 10 finds so distressing?

aside that, the fact u could see the get out coming & suspected it since LKH I thought it was pretty awesome


but where does the tardis exploding in big bang threat fit in? was that another attempt by the silence? but isnt big bang set after all this series 6 arc? timeline wise?


id need to watch again but popping into my head (niggles)


the doc tells river she wont remember it, yet river at the end says she knew all the time and had to pretend?




the more you think the more you question stuff, but I did really enjoy it, had my almost in tears at points and it felt a good old romp, well directed and paced with some cracking performances!


loved the last scene also and that perhaps we will move back to random adventures fighting evil rather than grand saving the universe affairs and massive arcs.

Edited by timelord81r
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perhaps we will move back to random adventures fighting evil rather than grand saving the universe affairs and massive arcs.

That was my first thought as well :blush:


Yeah, saving the universe gets a bit tiring when you've done it so many times ;)


I don't mind some general story arcs, helps keep a thread going but more self-contained fighting baddies here, there, wherever would be good.


Will watch it back once the madness of this weekend is over but my biggest issue is why did time restart if the Doctor didn't die? Not entirely sure why the wedding was necessary either. Maybe I missed something. Definitely need to watch it again.

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But it was the fact that he did not die that caused all the "All time happening at the same time" business....


Or was it? How, if it was in fact what was shot at lake Silencio, did the Tesselestca manifest regeneration energy?


Not a great end to the season as nothing has really been answered cleanly and without some mjor question still looming large.


And don't get me wrong, I love Alex K and how she plays her...but I am heartily sick to death of the River Song story angle, sorry to say. It is utterly played out to exhaustion now. The thing is, I know that this is not the last we will see of her.


Edit...Got a weird "double-post" thingy going on here!

Edited by SlippDigby
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the teleselector thing?


humm, well I saw it as the doctor being killed for real and trying to regen but with the knowledge he puts the teleselector in his place, we dont see regen energy again (or do we i cant remember)


but that whole thing I saw it as th3e doc tricking time, tricking the universe into believeing his death so things reset.


in the docs own words


"Im not breaking the laws of time, but I am bending them a little" lol



like ive said, there are alot of hold on what about this and that moments, some plot holes or niggles but unlike say lets kill hitler I thought it was a very enjoyable episode! it had me drwan in, caring about the characters, it was fun, emotional, thrilling, well acted and well shot.

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Well! we were let down, SOOOOOOOOOO many fans predicting what would happen, so many good theories and we had THAT on Saturday night.


So many hints through out the series, and nothing! maybe we are too clever and think up better endings.


For me, they made an issue out of the Doctor hating rubix cubes, then he seems to love them, the same with apples, we (and alot of others) thought it would have been a ganger that died and the doctor was the one in the spacesuit, it was certainly written like it was meant to be. and what was with the little girl in the spacesuit (are we missing something here, please explain if we are?)


we thought it was a rushed ending and none of it made much sense (in realtion to the rest of what was a brilliant series), to complex and didn't need to be!


I know alot of people loved it but to us, waste of an episode and let the fans think up the ending, would have been much more enjoyable


why did time restart if the Doctor didn't die?


Because as far as the universe is concerned, he did die. Only River knew differently, and then Amy and subsequently Rory when she told them.


His physical body didn't die though, he wasn't an actual, living breating alien/person, seems a very silly ending to me!


I also think the River Song thing has had it and they should move on, as with Amy and Rory (I believe they have signed, or she has for the next series?), new companion please!

Edited by alisonloub
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