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Strange dreams :P


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Last night i had the weirdest dream about Hallowhedon.


I was getting an autograph from Amber Benson and she makes me sit down and starts painting flowers onto my nails. then a loud speaker announces that Nathan Fillion will be signing autographs but it will cost £20, so i go to a cash machine and try to get some money out but it will only give me monopoly money. i get really angry at this so go to a bar in the hotel. Just then James Marsters climbs through the window in his Randy Giles outfit from Buffy. He sneaks me round the back of the building where Nathan is sat on a big stool next to a guy that is dressed as a klingon from star trek.


i woke up very confused but happy, hehe all that was missing was the cheese man. :YAHOO:

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Last night i dreamed i was eating the most wonderfill giant marshmellow you had ever seen.

Woke up feeling full but i had mysteriously lost my pillow. Another case for the x files


Were you feeling a little "down in the mouth"? *groan*! :firedevil:

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