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Best Boy (4/23)



  1. I love Monty Python and Michael Palin.. The sketches are excellent... ...*walks off singing "I Like Chinese"* *whistles*
  2. Awwww! I loved him in Romy and Michele hehe ... never liked X-men *ducks for cover from X-men lovers*
  3. My gawd i am so jealous at some of you!!! Annie Lennox.. Phil Collins.. Mike Myers.. i would kill to meet these people.. i don't know how you do it lol.. so jealous though.. You met Whitesnake?! I love WS! Been listening to the greatest hits now for like 2 an a bit hours lol 80's rock bands rule! Cool that you met Motorhead too! My BF met Lemmy at a concert way back.. owes him a cig if i remember rightly My mum got a tooth knocked out by Muhammed Ali when she was like 7. One of her baby teeth were loose when she went with my opa to meet himwhen he was training..and he was messing around and knocked it out completely
  4. Fantastic movie!! on the subject how about Tim Curry .. anyone?? Hey.. ok like 800 posts in a few days well done DavidB!!
  5. Ooh i loved Dawn!! Ok so she bugged the hell outta the world sometimes but Michelle's acting when she first joined the show was a lil funny i have to admit. She's a great actress but her first time on the show
  6. Nick *and* Kelly some wub for each
  7. I would really love it! So much i can't say! but i don't think it could happen.. if ya wanna get Eric McCormack or Sean Hayes though!! if they would.. i'd be up for a great laugh!
  8. Oh! yes please!! maybe sneak in a verse or two of hot patootie?!
  9. J20a

    Johnny Depp

    OO Rhi you carry on my pleaing yay!! So we going next year then?? Of course!!
  10. Wow. June really was that bad then?
  11. That's what i wanted lol.. i wanted to hear him laugh.. next year!! *crosses fingers*
  12. i 5th that!! he's a great guy!! i'd love to meet him again!!
  13. My gawd child!! what an expensive visit!!
  14. Dom there again please! never got to meet him but got a wave and i was at the window when he kept smushing himself against it!! also when he first ran into it infront of my friend she gave him a funny look and sorta mimed 'what was the point in that?' and looked really confused so he just shrugged smiled and carried on signing lol
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