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Everything posted by LilyLovesEdwardCullen

  1. I cba to upload a MILLION pictures tehe soo you're all welcome to view them all on facebook http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2538...mp;id=697749181 and add me and stuff
  2. I didn't go to this event (Twilight's not really my thing) but I took a quick lookie at your Facebook just to see the angel. I agree, he's a freaking babe. =D he really really really is! ^-^
  3. has to be APPLE juice.. Actually we had to settle for orange juice this morning it SUCKED! I'm allergic ^-^ but taz said it had bits and stuff in :S
  4. I just got interested in him.. and had a picture with him ^-^
  5. ooo yeah i remember you showing me it.. yeah wasnt too bad
  6. hahaha i'm waiting for the "two hundred and thirty fifthed" comment ^-^
  7. awww i feel really bad, even though i don't think (hope not!) it was me.. it shouldnt of been that bad for you I'm sure if you had introduced yourself to plenty of us on here we would of been very nice and kind, a lot of us cosplay? I hope this hasnt put you off coming again cause that would really suck. I hope you're okay <3
  8. hahaha yeahh! like themed after the alice-bella sleepover ^-^
  9. Hmmm.. i'm not and am looking forward to any pics uploaded from Friday night.. they should be.. interesting. if any were actually taken ^-^
  10. Err, put it this way... I felt completely unwelcomed by almost everyone. I know I wasn't the only one, and I wanted to suggest a few things that could maybe help. I know showmasters can't stop people from being complete jerks (thanks to the group who pushed me over getting photos! I have a lovely swollen ankle now ), but it ruined my entire weekend, and i just thought a few suggestions to help 'newbies' or people alone not feel so... alienated might help at future conventions. I had a wall of text to say something but I saw some jerks in another thread and well... my post turned angry so I decided I wouldn't post it openly lol. Awww I hope your knee is okay, and i hope whoever pushed you over didnt mean it. Most people on here are actually really nice.. hope you didnt feel too alienated These cons are for everyone, and everyone should feel welcome.. <3
  11. I know it's like waayy early but could we get themes a bit earlier? I just want to be more organised and such.. i know it's hard when you're sorting other cons out but just asking
  12. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc...9_2849992_n.jpg sorry holly but i did it
  13. I wanted to say something but they might have thrown the coffee over me instead.. This made me LOL
  14. Nawww you didnt bug us ;D you paid loads for it. you deserved to say thankyou
  15. what if they put the photos in some type of order like Gold Silver Standard
  16. :S :S i kept my room key in the same case with my phone the entire weekend and it worked fine. .
  17. MJ i just realised! You're the lady i sat with throughout the talks until those ladies came! Nice to forum you :) <3
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