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Everything posted by Kirayuki

  1. I'm happy about GDL doing a shoot (shame it's on saturday though) and that more people will get a chance at a photo with John B. I am however concerned that this means i'll have to queue for AGES just to sort out my JB ticket that didn't arrive. =( Is there a separate queue for people with these issues? Thanks in advance.
  2. I feel just a bit isolated here. Kidding kidding! It's probably because i only ordered about two/three weeks ago.
  3. Well i'm nowhere near you you lucky front of house person! I'm looking forward to it though. I have ticket 244. Might see you there.
  4. Edit/Update: £10 Early Bird Entry (When my friend pays me back for his...) £15 Torchwood Talk £30 Pre-ordered Auto (Peter Firth) £60 Photoshoots (John Barrowman x2, Montserrat Lombard, Kai Owen) £90 Autos (John Barowman, Billy Dee Williams, Gareth David Lloyd, John Rhys Davies, Kai Owen, Montserrat Lombard, Steve Blum) £120 Spare cash (For merchandise and Other shop i'm visiting) £345 total. 0uch! (But worth it! )
  5. I know i've been posting around saying we need more Spooks guests but an event for it would be fantastic! It has a huge following and i'm sure it would be very popular. Who else would like to see one in the near future?
  6. Hello people. I don't know if it's just me out there but i think that spooks is such an amazing show and i'd love to be able to meet more of the cast members. (Upset about the fact i'll be missing Peter Firth this weekend but i'm pre-ordering an auto from him which goes some way to healing the wound). Seeing as there have been plenty of heroes and supernatural guests now i think it would be nice for an event with more guests from the now 8 series long show. (I think that says something... ) Showmasters... Please!
  7. Thanks for the quick reply. I thought it might be something like that.
  8. Hi. I've emailed info@collectormania because i had ordered 2 John Barrowman photo's at the same time as all my others. They all came through the post two days ago except 1 of the John photo tickets. I thought it was weird since i recieved one of them in the envelope and not the other and thought i'd ask on here what i can do too. Thanks in advance.
  9. I see your point... but for people down south west it's more difficult to get to places like MK, so we can really only do the London events. Leaving it at LFCC would give us one a year which is just not fair. To be honest though not everyone can be pleased all the time.
  10. I'm still waiting on my tickets too. (You ordered yours earlier than me though. Mine were ordered, and payment cleared on 12th Nov). I'm not going to start worrying though until Tuesday/Wednesday time. As long as they arrive before the event i'm fine. (Although i'm still checking through the mail everyday...)
  11. I'm up for this if they'll accept it. London is the easiest place for me to get to from where i live out of the other locations. (Hence the only going to London events...) I hope they do keep it.
  12. (Edit: You can't say 'How do you do' in Japanese on this forum! Arrggg). I think that both anime and manga have there own merits so i can't say that i like one over the other. I like all sorts too. It's a matter of choice as to whether i watch the series or read them manga. (That and a bit of pot luck...)
  13. Ashes to Ashes/Life on Mars Harry Potter Lord of the Rings Torchwood Doctor Who Twilight Red Dwarf Anime voice actors (Please!) I'll be more specific later...
  14. I feel rather obsessed. I print all the new info out and put it in my folder. I also have a tube map and ticket price list at the front to help me get round London. I haven't gone as far as i did with LFCC '09 yet though and put photo's of the venue in so i know what to expect but....
  15. Great idea! Wish i'd thought of it. (We appear to be very alike in terms of organisation here).
  16. Fingers crossed for GDL. Am i right in guessing that if he does do one then we'd have to buy tickets on the day due to the shop closing tomorrow? Thanks in advance.
  17. I have a timetabled out day including when i arrive, have photoshoots, talks, leave etc... I also have a list of all the guests i want to meet and their prices, what order i ought to collect VT's in, how much stalls cash i have left etc... You are not alone! (Just need my tickets to arrive. )
  18. I was going to go see it when i heard him talking about it on radio 2. Seeing as i'm only in London on the Sunday now i can't unfortunately.
  19. Oh crap! That's quite a scary thought, that it's so soon. I second that! Didn't feel so close until now. Looking forward to it.
  20. I'm trying to figure out how to get ther too as according to Tfl... "DISTRICT LINE: Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 November, suspended between Whitechapel and Earls Court." Which is a pain where ever i am really.
  21. Really? It cost me £45ish to get from Axminster to London and back for LFCC on the train. Also i have to do all in one day at the moment due to issues with staying hotels etc... overnight and often the trains don't run at good times. But yes i agree, it would be more convenient than anything.
  22. Hi there showmasters! Sorry if i'm wasting your time, but I was wondering if there is any possibility of a showmasters event like collectormania coming to the South West. We find it very hard to get anywhere from this part of the country without it costing a fortune in travel fares etc... (in some cases we'd have to spend more to get there than we'd spend at the events themselves ). I do understand that not all these things can be done, but i thought i'd put it out there as i can't find a thread already for this suggestion. Thanks for your time. Am I alone or is there anybody else who'd appreciate something like this in the South West?
  23. Usually they say that you'll need to go with someone who is getting an auto, and if they aren't majorly busy. I'd check this though...
  24. I'm glad there doing something for the anniversary. Should be fun. ESB is probably my favourite Starwars film!
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