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  1. John doesn't have this on his IMDB page, and I've seen suggestions on other SW reference sites that Bolvan was played by an actor called David Fennell. Is there any way of clearing up who John Wreford portrayed in Star Wars, or is it definite that he was Bolvan or indeed Hija? Very confusing this! :)
  2. I placed my order for the Friday entry ticket last Monday - post has been today and still no sign. Can you confirm if this would have been sent in with the orders mentioned at the top of this thread? Thanks :)
  3. I did really well on the Friday a couple of years ago - met pretty much everyone I wanted to. I have one query though - does anyone know if any of the comic guests will be present on the Friday?
  4. Hi Can SM or anyone please confirm whether Mike PLoog will be in attendance on the Friday? Thanks
  5. I've given this it's own thread as I think it's too big for the guest suggestions. I know that SM must have tried to get Julie Andrews & Dick Van Dyke before for Autographicas past, but what better chance to bring them to the show and publicise this as an event as next year marks the 50th anniversary of one of the best loved family films of all time. The door would be open for not just Julie and Dick, but also Karen Dotrice who played Jane. Matthew Garber sadly no longer with us, along with the late great David Tomlinson of course. Please please please try to make this happen SM. I'm sure there must be many more like me who would pay silly money to meet either Julie or Dick - and indeed Karen. You could also look at doing a Bedknobs & Broomsticks reunion at some point - Anglea Lansbury, Bruce Forsyth, Cindy O'Callaghan, et al. I'm sure any guests from classic Disney movies would be most welcome, but would love to see Mary Poppins' 50th anniversary celebrated in style at Autographica.
  6. That's a lovely idea, though, sadly, I have no room to display the hundreds of signed 10x8 photos I have! So, a nice display folder would be the best thing for me - something easy to access and look at the collection in a nice folder. At the moment, they are just in photo albums - but they don't have a presentation type of feel to them - if people know what I mean by that?! I'm really keen to find something at CM this weekend, so if anyone sees someone selling these on the Sat could they do me a favour and post in this thread so I can keep an eye out for the seller? I am at the event both Saturday and Sunday :)
  7. Does anyone know who sells the franchise specific folders? Ideally I would be after something for Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Lost, & Buffy. Thanks in advance, and thanks to all those who have replied already!
  8. Who are the two with separate queues? Thanks
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