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Everything posted by bex4cedric

  1. I think if we keep going we can get some guests at the general signings
  2. He did it at a con I went to a few years back
  3. restless lol I love Restless! I also love Riley Im going to chose most of season 7 except for Him cos I love it
  4. Awww i remember meeting him and he was taking the mic outa George Herzberg cos he messed up my autograph
  5. Hey I'm writing an article about hallowhedon for uni and I was wondering if you guys would like to do a short interview since your coming so far? i will ask angie for u tonight, she doesnt come on forums, but im sure she will be up for it thanks thatd be great
  6. I love it! although I do see the problem with us not having the CW channel however Id be totally there if it happened
  7. Hey I'm writing an article about hallowhedon for uni and I was wondering if you guys would like to do a short interview since your coming so far?
  8. Great, well arange a time to meet up or whatever closer to the con Yeah I'm sure I can ask you a few questions Thanks so much, will arange a time to meet up closer to the con
  9. Hey guys I need some people from Liverpool or the Wirral to do some interviews for an article I'm writing for uni about Hallowhedon The interviews will only take about 10 minutes and I can do them any time during Hallowhedon let me know if your up for it
  10. I'm right with you guys! I'm soooooo excited, spesh about meeting Nick!!!
  11. Me, Charisma and my BFF Emma who I am attending with
  12. Thanks for the suggestions guys! I think I will head to asda tonight, get some halloween stuff too hehe. haha its Becky (foreverbella) ive just realised im signed ion on my friends account haha.
  13. Showmasters have not given us a number, instead they want people to show their interest on this thread so we need to get the number of people posting on this thread up as well as the signature numbers
  14. We've got a few fan blogs advertising the petition and I think they have the link for this thread on but your right we definately need to push it some more and get more people to post on here
  15. Ive been doing some promo work for the petition and the facebook group posting the link on different OTH fan sites
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