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Snow Drop 6:15

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Everything posted by Snow Drop 6:15

  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I win again!!!
  2. The only thing lacking at the moment is the TNA Knockouts division. Despite having the chance to push Roxxi, they have obviously chosen not to. They have signed a new Knockout that has competed in Japan with Kong, so maybe we have some better stories and matches.
  3. I will feel your pain snuggled up in my warm duvet!! He! He!
  4. I have a boycrush everytime I look in the mirror lol
  5. With the shelf life of acting talent becoming shorter as the scting pool becomes bigger, I think that John is wise to do as much as he can. It not only gets him int he public eye, but also means he has security financially when work thins out. That is of course if John is sensible with his finances. I find John very entertaining on TV, and who can forget his STRAIGHT film role lol.
  6. One good thing out of it...I have decided to give the novels a look.
  7. 2643 (but this should be 2646 or 2639 if divisble by 7)
  8. Not probably the last post, but, what the hell.....I WIN!!!!
  9. The BBC have it tentatively scheduled for Spring 2009. This is aroudn the same time as the first Dr Who special.
  10. But the WebCam streaming, albeit no images of John were shown exposing himself, were still LIVE. Also, there are people who complain for complaining sakes. The web cam was not working. And I think you'll find that most comments are coming out on the side of John. Even The Guardian thought it was fuss about nothing. This is just a chance for people who already dislike John to climb on board and diss him even more. Don't think John as anything to worry about at all. I have seen reports that the webcam was ON, but not transmitting images of John preforming his little party piece. So, as with all media reports, I take the view that some reports are correct and some are incorrect. The only thing that has remained constant is that NO images of John's person were broadcast. As I have said in my previous post, I am a fan of John's and think that this has been blown out of proportion. I have also stated that the hosts of the show were wrong to bring up the subject of John's party piece on a show aimed at teenagers, and with John having a history of carrying out the party piece. I am just discussing certain aspects of this as the current climate at the BBC is to disclipline someone first and then deal with it afterwards. So, to say John has nothing to worry about is jumping the gun a bit. Only time will tell in this matter. As regards The Gaurdian, like with all newspapers, I take everything they say with a huge a mountain of salt. I couldn't see Showmasters/Massive Events worrying about this as they know what they get with John. The only reason this has gotten media attention is because it is the BBC and they are protecting themselves following the disgrace that was the handling of the Brand/Ross incident.
  11. Having watched the news report, the impression that came across was that Twilight was an American version of Harry Potter. Having not read any of the Twilight novels I know little of the storyline and was only introduced to the book franchise/upcoming film through a cinematic preview of the film. If the new report had been worded in a way that mentioned even one of things you listed Tommy T, then I would agree with you whole heartedly. However, it didn't. It was only a few fans who were interviewed that mentioned the books and absolutely nothing about Harry Potter. So, being someone who is usually very open minded and dismissive of minor errors by reporters in print or on the goggle box, for me to say that the report was wrong means to me that the representation was inaccurate to a great degree. However, everyone takes away different views of reports and the printed word. But, as DavidB posted, taken in the right context the remarks of Tommy T are spot on.
  12. Ooooo...Potter vs Twilight fight...where is Harry Hill when you need it!!!! The way the BBC put it across was that it was an American version of Harry Potter..which obviously is wrong.
  13. But the WebCam streaming, albeit no images of John were shown exposing himself, were still LIVE. Also, there are people who complain for complaining sakes.
  14. Nah, you're not weird. There is even a topic in the GENRAL CHAT forum about childhood crushes. Everyone has them and always will. Nothing wrong with it being someone of the same sex either. So, no weirdness...
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