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Everything posted by rebecca-is-cullen-addict

  1. I just made the same thing. Suddenly I feel about sad about this. Everything was going so well between the twilight fans. Thanks god there's still people who respect the others and are nice : D
  2. *shock* January I feel for you.... look at sexy pictures of Rob everyday until then. It makes you feel better, I swear LOLOL what do you think I'm doing every minute of everyday, 24/7 ? Answer: creaming on Rob's pics PS: got MSN ?
  3. I just wanted to ask people to be nice with the owners of the website. I got few answers saying people where rude when the owners where asking questions about the convention. I don't think the contest is supposed to happend this way. Even if we are all motivated Twilight is about something more than this. I'm really disappointed. But AYAYAY to showmasters and this fantastic con !
  4. Same. I seem to be able to relate everything to Twilight now (the other day me and my friend related shoelaces to twilight... Shoelaces-Strawberry Laces-Strawberry Shampoo-Bella-Twilight Movie) and it makes me go into depressive mode because we don't get the movie until the 19th I'm going insaneeeee Stop complaining : D I wil not have the movie before JANUARY. LOOL I think I win at loosing
  5. This letter's so cool. And yayayayayay for New Moon. I'm totally excited about that : D
  6. hahaha It took me a second to get that and then I remembered LMAO YAYAYAY I want see so badly the movie that every aspect of my life or situations make me think about twilight. I think I can say that I breathe Twilight, sleep Twilight, eat Twilight, love Twilight, live Twilight : D
  7. Ah that's great ! We love google : D Specially cause you can google 'adrenaline rush' : D
  8. LOL the pic' of young Taylor makes me laugh really hard. His way more sexy now : D
  9. I waited for a long time my CD and finally got it. And God's gift is to give me Edward and Bella's poster : D
  10. Whoah it's beautiful ! Did you wrote it ?
  11. ahaha I agree. that's like his trademark : D wanted to buy one too. I just called that a hat : D and the Ray Ban too are sexy on him : D <3
  12. LOL it's ok. that why I didn't understood why you were serious and a bit mean : D but it's all forget. Twilighters share love : ]
  13. yeah I know. that was a joke. but i the tickets are selling so well we might have a chance to have an other guest
  14. Rob is making me want to buy a black beanie. I think I'll have to, in honour of his wonderfulness sorry for my ignorance but what is a black beanie ?
  15. I have a question: does the dealers room is an auction or is it two different things ? Thankies : D
  16. That is amazing ! Soon it's all gonna be about silver ticket : D PS/ when is the new guest ? Specially with our publicity with fliers : D
  17. God those pics are the most beautiful I have seen of him in a while. <3
  18. You can book separately. You will be together if you have the same ticket (Standard, Silver or Gold). There's no rule and you can seat and stay with who you want ; D Thanks we've booked together now, but that's useful to know What 'rebecca-is-cullen-addict' has said is and isn't true. For autographs and photo shoots we split everyone into groups of 30. So if you got say Standard 100 and your friend booked a month later and got Standard 150, you would not be in the same groups when being called for Autographs and photos. Also we let people enter the hall in ticket order number in groups of 30. So we start by calling Gold 1-30 then Gold 31-60, then Silver 1-30 and on and then Standard 1-30 and so on. In this case though you could happily wait until your friend is called and go in together. But you'd have to wait for the higher ticket number to be called. I understand this doesn't effect you anymore and as you have booked together but I didn't want someone else reading this and thinking it was fine to book seprately when really it is best to book together. PS If you should find you are lets say S30 and S31 and so booked together but will be in different groups please just let us know and we'll sort it so you're in the same group. Ohhh sorry. Sometimes I really need to shut up : D
  19. same here. I will see the movie in english. no way that I ruin the movie with stupid french voices ; ) ANd yeah of course .kirst that you can join us. And I'm glad to know that you love France. I don't and I want live in England or US. We can exchange our lives if you want : D
  20. bonne idée ! (enfin perso j'ai plus d'argent après le ticket Gold) mais je veux bien participer pour le faire : D vous allez voir twilight en francais ou en anglais ?
  21. You can book separately. You will be together if you have the same ticket (Standard, Silver or Gold). There's no rule and you can seat and stay with who you want ; D
  22. I just add you : D and don't worry you'll make plenty of friends. even if we all bite it's not in a bad way : D LMFAO
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