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Everything posted by Fader

  1. come on showmasters, if anyone can snag a great horror guest its you guys. pllllllllllllllllllllllease?
  2. hell, anyone else know who she is, i'm sure if anyone can get her lfacc can, they got hellboy!
  3. Take a look at the sort of stuff she stars in (i've seen like 10, she's faaaantastic) come on showmasters! you can do it! pllllllllllllllllllllllease
  4. well i do anyways. Oded Fehr and Melissa Sagemiller espically! and they both starred in cult movies too! common lfacc! you can do eet
  5. i knew all the "bad hype" was for her as an agent not as a person. i suppose i would rush people through is i was in the same job though
  6. i know she aint that great an agent (apparently) but did anyone meet Julie Caitlin Brown? i never once saw even 1 person even half approach her to get a signature. are there any fans out there?
  7. that thing was great (and perfect timing after yesterdays ep of dr who) anyone get any pictures with the laser shooting dog?
  8. anyone meet this guy? he's a real great guy, friendly as anything and was even letting people take pictures with him even if they werent getting stuff signed (loads of guest wouldnt do that) i was also wandering what you're fans of if you like him? mainly potter by the looks of most people i saw there (some had him pose with a wand )
  9. this defo seems like the loooongest event going (4 days..woah) everytime i saw that mark singer guy literally NO ONE was queing up, you can talk to him for ages if ya want (when i saw his picture i remembered your avatar..i knew he had loads of fans somewhere) have fun
  10. dunno bout personalised photos coz i didnt meet them (saved for sunday), but i saw loads of people standing up with them taking photos
  11. they had flyers but twas just supergirl
  12. the ol' autographica ones had a fair few names on there though, really picking up pace
  13. i said to my mate "anyone from a whedon show is 100% sure to have a mass of loyal fans out for them". they're always popular all in all though it was defo the most quiet con i've been to...no ruckas at all
  14. alan and ron were the 2 busiest ones..but they were "doable" with a little wait warwick davies was there today as well..he was only suppose to be sat and sun
  15. he's not there till tomorrow. i keep getting him and the other one mixed up. he's the one from puppet master vs demonic toys right
  16. ahhh i saw this picture there and wondered who it was, talk about last minute
  17. they usually allways have a stall there, didnt see it this time, did i just miss it or aint they at this one? going back sunday ne wayz..buy me some more stuff, they might be there then (damn smallville magazine never reachs this town)
  18. i met Mira Furland and my mate met carl wethers with ease, everyone was open queued when we got there but alan tudyk and ron glass were on about number 900-1000 on virtual tickets. still got the feeling you could meet anyone. also some cool stalls (got me sleeper cell on dvd before its even out in the US) anyone see the chewbaca guy? well cool. and the robocop car.
  19. my year long covert posting...busted yeah, it be me
  20. i dont know how "effective" suggesting here is to getting someone at an event (hopefully very ) but please,please,please,please, hows about Bianca Lawson Gina Philips Jeremy Sisto i know lfacc and collectormania usually can bag just about anyone
  21. it seems lance cancels every signing or con i go to see him at, it's fate i tells ya
  22. cool! i sooo wanna meet that guy! what days is he there? makes waaaay up for the cancellations. top guest
  23. for share balls of risking people thinking he was just smashed up in a crash - the dude dressed as darkman - what a cool costume
  24. this was probarly the best event period i've been too, i met the most amount of people i've ever have at these events and it was all friendly and stuff - good times
  25. met her today- what a totally nice woman! she shined my picture "stay shiny" i had a couple of pics taken with her and she seemed happy to be there. both the people i've met from firefly (adam bladwin and summer) seem happy to meet fans .. which is nice
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