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grace oneill

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Everything posted by grace oneill

  1. Receipts!!! im lucky if I can find my handbag purse or keys I don,t do receipts I just run to the shop buy the dvd and run home to rip it open and watch and get my SG fix , never mind
  2. Is it me or is Mac always snogging some girl ,no wonder sam had to wait 7 years the poor guy was worn out
  3. so true!!!!! (although i have it on in the car so its all good ) Thats fab I, have the SG1 opening music as my ring tone so i get a few doses of it everyday Altho my boss keeps tellin me its Star Wars and keeps calling me Princess Leah! Dumb Ass!!!!! Will have to educate him P x-x-x yeh educate him and if that fails just call him Jabba, if he calls you leia lol .Im collecting the sg dvd s frrom season 8 and it says you can customise your mobile when you have them all I wonder if it will be a ring tone or just a wallpaper cos I cant seem to find a decent sg ring tone anywhere (keep the coffee coming till season 9)
  4. how did you get to see the sci fi thing that got shown in the us cos I have heard all about it and it sounded great ,I can,t wait for season9 even liking MS beard ,(saw some recent con photos from burbank and joe,s got a beard as well it must be catching ) Majorca in sept for a hol and then my boys will be back on tv yesssssss!!!
  5. not sure what is going on but droped them an email anyway shall wait and see.
  6. oh yeah im sure i could have a happy hour (or 5) with rodney me, shep ,a bottle of JD mmm many happy an hour ,gracie goes to her happy place happy place or gutter?? Ok youve got me there,my happy place is the gutter,and proud of it
  7. The new mag is due out but my newsagent said it was not on his list,Tv zone have a special due out this week as well so I will be on the look out for both
  8. oh yeah im sure i could have a happy hour (or 5) with rodney me, shep ,a bottle of JD mmm many happy an hour ,gracie goes to her happy place
  9. "Happy hour" in Atlantis now theres a thought!!!
  10. Took the kids to school this morning then made coffee and watched mac on bravo Heaven!!!!!!!
  11. Hope its all as good as it looks cos its looking pretty fine and thats just Daniel ,will miss RDA, but will get use to the farscape dude (in a jonas sort of way)BRING ON SEASON 9!!!!!!
  12. Hey talking of posting look Ive made it to my first 100th post !!! lets grab the rest of sg11 and have cake Im buying
  13. thanks good idea will hunt down a copy at blockbusters (got sky one )my hubby calls it the sg channel cos whenever he looks it always seems to be on LOL
  14. joes on tonite in thought crimes and we dont get sky movies Ahhhhh! would anyone record it for me I would be willing to pay p&p for the tape , We now go and knock on strangers doors down the street if they have a sky dish and beg just in case.
  15. oh jumps up and down gracie is sooooo excited Daniel and Jon look hot
  16. you are among friends ,glad you could join us in our strangness
  17. Send for Jack and a tonne of C4 we can try to corner him in the gate room and close the blast doors, aproach with caution sweetie is a tricky one and may make you sick
  18. Wohoo! another one to join the blonde brigade! wohoo! All Stargate Barbies please report here or in the fluffy regiment of the knights of joes marshmellows.
  19. can we have pink uniforms and wear lip gloss or is that too fluffy ?
  20. I just love whatching sam/jack music videos the guys that make them are so clever my favorite is one is to the song The safest place by leanne Rimmes a good place to find this and other cool vids is http://kawoosh.co.uk
  21. I just knew one day my two passions would be joined together ,sci fi and musical theatre I mean we have ewen obi wan singing and dancing in guys and dolls and john Barrowman who should be singing and dancing fighting aliens great stuff ,so I will be at the theatre with my star wars stuff and at llfc with my cds and programmes to be signed.life is good!
  22. season 2 the Tok,ra part 2 In the ep upgrades why did sg1 start a fight in o,mallys bar?
  23. correct! your turn jane HOLY Hannah!!!!! I got one right erm.....**thinks** Which Stargate guest actor has also played the character captain chaos in a film! (also known as 'him!') Dom Deluise in smokey and the Bandit (I think) Not got any Atlantis dvds yet so can,t remember which ep WHICH FAMOUS CAPTAIN IS SHEP LIKEND TO?
  24. well me being a stargate barbie it would be 1. Shep 2. make up (can,t let shep see me with out it) 3. clothes and shoes( those atlantis uniforms are so last year) 4. wine (for all those cozy nights in with shep ) 5. hair straightners (best thing invented ever) 6. a zat gun( us girls need to be pepared for all events)
  25. it would be joe,me, a large bag of marshmellows, lots of sunscreen and not a rescue boat in sight for at least 6 months
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