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Everything posted by Nebitt!!

  1. *Nebbitt waves back* Thanks for the email poke Sah. Hope moving wasn't too painful - and now I know your REAL name!!! Wow!!
  2. Nebitt!!


    i agree with that theres one that i am defffinatly a geek of tho..and thats dragons....yay! sorry.....kinda a drgon maiac.. Dragon geek, that's so cool! Dragons are great! Friendly ones or evil ones? Ones that eat donkeys or marry them?
  3. Nebitt!!


    True, but it's fun and we don't care. Meeeep Rules!!! *Waves at Sah*
  4. Nebitt!!


    Sorry TT!!! I have done 10 Hail Meeps in contrition!!
  5. Nebitt!!


    Meepmas cards need Roadrunner somewhere, maybe hidden in corners so you need to look for him!! Hobbitslut, I think your dedication to the Meep deserves an upgrade of title to First Lady of Meep, which must be the highest accolade that King or Queen can bestow. What do you think, Cher? Any thoughts on First Knight? Cher, it was the word for the other event in London that you were dancing at that got censored - I forgot they did that!
  6. Nebitt!!


    Oh that's good!!!! Biiiig Meeps for that one!! And you're right, we must stay on our guard against the evil Peem. That earlier post was my first censored one!! Yay! 150 posts and a censored one all in one day!!!
  7. Nebitt!!


    Cool!!! Meep indeed! Was that inspired by your more than perfect dancing displays at *****??
  8. Nebitt!!


    BTW, that was my 150th post! Yay!!!! (How sad is that!!!)
  9. Nebitt!!


    I'm impressed, there has been some good overnight Meeping! I like the juxtaposition of Moo particularly! Well done on mustering the troops, Cher, a good bit of knighting I think! Meeeep on troops! (PS Have you noticed how quiet the evil land of Peem is, do you think they've wet themselves and run off crying??)
  10. AKA Sully PS: This is not me at all OK it is Oh believe me, it describes you perfectly!!
  11. Nebitt!!


    I reckon anyone who has a hobby or interest that they know a lot about could be called a geek, because it seems to me it's not a negative term, more kind of saying someone is sweet cos they are deeply into something. So I reckon almost everyone has a bit of Geek in them!! Not sure about Nerd, that sounds more negative. I think Geek has been embraced as cool and applies to social groups of similar thinkers (like forum gatherings!), but Nerd implies the socially challenged. I'm a music geek! And I'd be a trainee film geek, but I don't have a good enough memory!
  12. Nebitt!!


    Nice to see you meeping Sah! I will try and post on CSI now to keep my end of the bargain!!
  13. Nebitt!!


    If we didn't, we definitely should!!! That was good Meeping!
  14. You'll have to come down this way for a weekend with me & TT, mate. (BTW - you got MSN?)
  15. Good to see you Meeping man! How's life?
  16. Saw it last night, thought the claustrophobic bit and the bone crunching (Ick) was great but then they ruined it with the Gollums, which weren't believable enough for me. It was good fun, but not a patch on Dog Soldiers. Mind, you, it was worth it for the woman who screamed so loudly everyone else in the cinema was laughing for the next five minutes!!
  17. Hahahhaha,but she don't wear sharp heels...she just has sharp teggies! Hmmm. Biting bubbles. Like Aero without the chocolate.
  18. Cold. Even though I feel the cold as I have no insulation being a skinny bu$$er! It's more easy to warm up than cool down, cos jumpers gloves and fires are easier to find than aircon units!
  19. Nebitt!!


    *shines his shield of meep* Down with the Peem!!!!!!!!! Fine sentiments sir, and I certainly can't deny my best mate a Meephood so near his birthday! Kneel Sir Knight. No, lower than that, I still can't reach. OK, now arise Sir Tootall of Meep. Think I'll make you my personal bodyguard!
  20. Nebitt!!


    *Cries*. Oh my gosh, she didn't! *Moaps*. I felt so unloved, aswell... The Kingdom of Meep was lost and fallorn... It was Meep-free, my King! But now, forces rekindled, combined, and growing, we shall presume our Meep Quest! Yay meep! Shockingly bad behaviour for a new knight, I will have words! (Meep will of course be at least one of the words) Growing Meepdom I guess needs a growing Knight - I guess a grown TT will do!
  21. Nebitt!!


    Be careful mentioning roleplaying to TT - you'll give him the wrong impression!!
  22. Popping is good, particularly the Biiiig bubbles. And then have you seen the really big bubbles that Amazon send? Mich would have fun stamping on them, 'specially in the Celine outfit. (Because of sharp heels, obviously...) (popmeep)
  23. Nebitt!!


    Lolz! She told you that, eh? You guys need to get out more, talking about the forum whilst you're celebrating! *Tut, tut*. Lolz! JOKE - I'm one to talk - hehe Meep, meep! Did you have a good time, Meeping One? Wish I coulda been there - sounded like a great laugh! I Knighted the Lady because she is a grand meeper in the world of IM! Dust she not meep with thou when thy meeteth her these past days? She did indeed Meep - I asked her to send you a text Meep from me, I hope she did! It was a very good weekend thanks, especially the elephants (I like elephants, although I've never heard one 'Meep'). How was yours?
  24. Nebitt!!


    I like your Meep, it's a fair Meep. But how do you reconcile Meeeep, hmmm? I might give you a Meep knighthood, but I'll need more evidence of your commitment! Although you would be useful in removing the world of the pestilence of Peem.
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