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Everything posted by Raylenth

  1. Meanwhile I've requested confirmation about queueing for autographs, talks and photos. I admit I didn't even look on the autograph page yet because most questions so far were about talks. We are so used to how things 'normally' work at Showmasters and Massive Events events that it was easy to presume Sherlocked would be the same, but I remember from last year there were little nuggets of info in the sub categories so was looking around last night to see if anything else was different. Until the actual details of how it's all going to work are released it's hard to speculate but this will either make it a lot easier or a lot harder depending on what it means exactly - if it just means when you join an auto queue the packages will be given priority then that's basically just how it was supposed to be last time, if it means that we will have an assigned session to go to I'm not sure how that would work around the talks.
  2. Interestingly the website says the autos will be done in ticket type and number order.
  3. Not without everyone turning up to queue early so that ticket numbers can be checked which totally defeats the purpose of it. I have seen it done well without a lot of fuss but everyone does need to be there early. Batches is probably the best option. It is a catch 22 situation really, I found the same thing last year that thinking 'oh the talk starts in 30 mins, do I need to go an start queuing' and finding tons already there meant you then start having to miss things to get there in plenty of time to not miss the stuff you really want to do. It's probably not possible to do absolutely everything even with a platinum ticket as you can't be in 2 places at once but I did have to miss quite a few talks last year due to having to be in queues. It's kind of unavoidable though given the amount of stuff going on and the numbers of people there.
  4. I think The Pink Lady hit the nail on the head when she said that people are holding out to see what happens which meant the system didn't get overloaded. A lot of attendees more than likely read the announced guests first before decided whether to buy or not and in the absence of Ben or Martin are waiting to see what will happen. I went and bought my ticket straight away too and was also pleasantly surprised at how easy it was, especially so because already being registered with Eventbrite I really didn't have to do anything, confirm my debit card, click on the acknowledgement and done!
  5. Oh my god! Just taken the time to actually look at the sections on the website to see all the show details and my picture is one of the photo's you've used! Horror of horrors!
  6. Just popped onto Facebook and noticed a post had been made so thought I'd copy it here for anyone else who hasn't seen it/isn't on Facebook. Hi everyone! First of all, thank you for such an enthusiastic start and to everyone who has purchased tickets and been in touch today to say how excited they are about Sherlocked UK 2016! smile emoticon We are so excited to be getting this convention up and running and we are busy planning an amazing event for you all that will surpass what you experienced in 2015 smile emoticon Last year the event was run very close to the announcement date and that meant there was a lot we wanted to do but just didnt have time to organise. This time, with 8 months until the actual event we have plenty of time to put in place all the exciting things we want to share with you, and really bring the world of Sherlock to life for the weekend! Trust me when I say, we are all huge fans ourselves and we are thrilled that this time we will get to show you so much more of the world of Sherlock, and that we can all come together and have fun over the weekend of the show! Now we know some people have been comparing ticket packages with last year's event, and particularly on the gold tickets some of you seem to feel that they are not as good value for money as before? Firstly, if you were to add up all the individual parts to the ticket separately then they would come to almost twice the value of the ticket price. We realise that what is included is slightly different to last year in terms of the number of photo shoots offered, but it is also different in terms of the many things that will be at the show this year that you currently dont even know about yet. We are not trying to make more profit, we are in fact planning to deliver a much more fun and content rich world for you all to have an amazing weekend in. We didnt let you down last year and we most certainly are not going to this year! smile emoticon As you have seen, the Gold tickets this year will not include autos or photos with the lead guests, (but as in the past we only categorised Lead Guests as Mark, Benedict and Martin), so like last year the photo ops and autographs will then be made up from the other high calibre guests that will be attending and just like last years event the guest line up will be amazing. So you will be getting some very cool autographs and photo ops from your weekend at Sherlocked, not to mention all the other things we have in store that will bring you great memories and experiences that you just cannot buy or find anywhere else. Whilst we know autographs and photos are important, Sherlocked is not just an autograph collecting event, its a Sherlock event to celebrate Sherlock and that is much more than what you get to take home; its what you get to see and do at the convention, the fellow fans you meet and you will get to do and see much more than the last event as we have more time, and so much more in store for you all! We are all very excited for you and for us to show you this as the months go forward and things are unveiled smile emoticon. We are simply trying to run the best event we can for everyone! There are many different ticket packages and some may suit you better than others. You may consider some better value for money than others, but ultimately there is something for everyone's budget and that is what we felt was important to us all, so everyone can be included. Last year's event only just covered the cost of running the convention, which is not an issue as we are fans here and are exceptionally proud to have organised, it was so nice to see so many people enjoying themselves including the cast of the show. It really was a great weekend that will never be forgotten, and that was also made possible by you, the visitors, so thank you all for that. However, for us to do all the things we want to do for this year's event we have to be able to cover the cost involved in putting on such an event and we hope that when you finally experience the event in September you will feel we have upheld our end of the deal again, and delivered one of the best weekends in fandom, no matter what ticket type you have! smile emoticon Again, thank you all for your support and for your comments. We understand the worry and frustrations especially being so far out, and we have social media and forums because we want to hear feedback from you all, we are very open like that. I do hope you also see what we are trying to do and hear also what we are saying and know we do care and we do address your concerns. We are decent people and will treat you like we want to be treated ourselves as we are all fans here also. Together we will get the chance to put on one of the most amazing weekends we will ever attend in the world of Sherlock; something that at the end of your weekend I think you will agree you could not have put a price on! smile emoticon, ultimately we are running this event for you and we will not let you down. Thank you for taking the time to read this and we all look forward to seeing you in 8 months time smile emoticon Yours Mark Woollard
  7. Wow, that seems pretty unfair, given that Platinum is pretty well the 'everything' package. I wasn't expecting to have to pay extra for something which was included last time. Hmm, not sure I'll be forking out for it in that case. It does seem that a lot has been cut this time. With regards to queuing the Plat info says 'Priority access behind VIP to all queues and features' so if crew do say that we have to wait for golds to go through first we can point this out to them.
  8. I'm totally guessing here but it might be that they will add to the package inclusions as they announce stuff although it is odd that they specifically include it in the weekend and not the others. They did that IIRC last year when shoots were announced, it was tickets available now but included in the following packages..... If you look at each package it has the ticket price but underneath all the inclusions it says, paraphrasing here, 'this package is worth in excess of £xxxx if items are paid for separately' - the plat package says £850, and gold £500. As The Pink Lady mentioned earlier, we have several more months until this event than we did last time, ME/SM might simply be spreading all the details out over time to keep the interest and excitement up rather than having fewer announcements/less enthusiasm over the coming months.
  9. Yes! Always take a back up to official cons just in case it's official show related items only but at the first Sherlocked I got Mark to sign my very old copy of Nightshade; It surprised him a bit to see such an old item (I guess he mainly gets asked to sign newer Who items) but he was happy to see it and had no hesitation in signing it.
  10. The waiting around and missing talks happened with the platinum ticket too Count but I can't comment about how it compared with the gold. I managed to get all my pictures and autos and attended most of the talks but had to miss the Gatiss and Scott one which I really wanted to see, didn't get to any of the crew talks or the 'Women of Sherlock' talks. I said after the last one it's strange to be 'complaining' about there being too many guests and too much to do but there almost was - i wouldn't have had it any different though. I agree with you regarding Martin, I can't link to or state where but I do recall reading somewhere recently that he's not comfortable with the whole paying for his auto thing, and if you read his interview in the Radio Times Christmas edition he doesn't want a fuss made over him either so all in all I read it as unlikely that we will see him. I'll be very happy if we do though as I don't know where I'd be able to get him on my group signed Sherlock stuff otherwise (not a massive fan of premiers simply as I'm inexperienced at them combined with the sheer length of time you have to queue for them, the amount of people can be overwhelming and the being squashed into the barriers!). It wouldn't be the end of my world not to get him but It'd be nice to have a complete signed item
  11. Nothing different than is already posted really: Doctor Strange Captain America Civil War and Zoolander 2.
  12. I hope you are able to work something out Maggie.
  13. I had the Plat pass last year, number 16. It got me absolutely nothing to have a low number, so I'm curious as to why you think that's important? I was even told by a volunteer that I had to wait in line until after Gold passes when I went for an autograph lol It's not important just nice when things are done in ticket number order as it makes it even easier, less queuing. We were supposed to be let into the talks in number order last year so theoretically it meant you could just join the queue shortly before going in in your number place and didn't have to start queueing early. With regards to auto's it was a bit less defined because it was essentially 'open for all' unlike the photo shoots where we had assigned sessions, but having a platinum pass should give you the ability to join the auto queue either on the end or in front of gold if appropriate.
  14. I always ask my sister to help me and try at the same time as for the last few Ben related things I've wanted tickets for the website has crashed straight away and she has always managed to get through before I could, and sometimes I've not been able to get through until ages after her. I had her on the phone at 12 and used the link from the email so got through immediately; I said basically said to her 'oh, thanks but you can go now!'
  15. What I often do is when you have a moment ask at the queue of the actor you want an auto from if you can go up to the desk to see the photo's available and if there isn't anything you like you can look at the booths who sell pictures to see if they have anything else you might prefer instead. If you do that it should be done before the guest arrives at the desk though so you have to go and look at them early on, usually after you have picked up any Virtual Queue tickets you might need.
  16. You are the voice of reason! That is all very logical and the most likely answer. I'm one of natures worriers unfortunately so it's very easy to get caught up and not see the logic. It's far easier to reason about issues like this from someone else when you can be clear headed about it all I'd say that you'd have to prioritise what you wanted to do as theirs no way you would be able to do all the auto's, pictures and talks in one day, though if you just want photo's and auto's that might be doable. The way it worked last year with the packages was that we all had assigned periods to go to each photoshoot according to ticket type. If you were unable to attend your assigned session you weren't able to go to another session on the previous/next day so it wasn't guaranteed if you missed your session. That means if you missed all of Saturday's photo's they might not be able to help you by putting you in the sunday sessions. The crew do obviously try to help where they can to get you through what you have paid for but whilst they might be able to slip you in to one or 2 photo sessions they probably won't be able to help you catch up having missed out on a whole day's worth of sessions. It would probably be financially better to buy tickets for the day you can attend and for what you want to do on that day.
  17. They are indeed, like I posted above I thought they weren't but I've still got last years tickets in view in my Eventbrite account and the platinum price is the same this year as last year. Unfortunately it's just a bit 'worrying' that neither has been announced as obviously they are the guests everyone wants and at £600 we would expect at least 1 at that price Given that neither was announced I for one am a little worried but we can only wait and see. Quite a few people will hold off buying tickets I'd imagine until we know one way or another. Especially with the US one going ahead as well, a lot might hold off to see if they will attend that one.
  18. Missed that. They will be having the sets again as they are included in the VIP package including the Victorian set. I'm hoping that we will still get either (both, here's wishing) and they might still be in negotiations or will announce later but god knows. I like having the priority access of Platinum especially as last year was mad house but £600 without Ben or Martin is a lot. I'd guess that the extra's that aren't included this time maybe because of cost- totally guessing here but with a first show of any type even for experienced organisers you might still have to reassess how much everything cost compared to what you made.
  19. It is but I think I'll wait for a 'lead guest' before purchasing a Platinum pass. I know it's not what you mean but Mark is a Lead guest.
  20. Unless the sky falls down on me or something like that yes. Yay, looking forward to spotting you.
  21. What type did everyone get? I went for Plat again and got through really quickly so hopefully should have a low number. I've booked the Friday and Monday off this year so won't have to rush over from work and can have a lie in on the Monday!
  22. There was me thinking it was about £700 last year! Liking the priority access for phototickets before general sale for the packages. Will I see you there as well this year QS?
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