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Everything posted by mellymoo

  1. Say tuesday night. I cant remember either but...
  2. Ive just read the Accident Claims thingy, and i have got the strangest lloks from people sat around me. Cant think why, i mean its not as if im sat her crying and choking from laughing so much
  3. OMG I actually reecognised most of them thats pretty cool tho
  4. i still have pogs i do too but surely thats a good thing!!!!!! I have loads floating around my room... Maybe we could re=start the craze...
  5. Go on then. Pink or if thats taken yellow, or if thats taken then purple. For my photo theres one here
  6. COOOOLLL!! Gooo yoou!! I was never that inventive..I only put mine in the little binder thing! My brother did with his cos he had the binder. I never got the binder so i just had the floating around my room untill a couple of years a go when i suddenly thought to stick em on my walls...
  7. They came in crisp pakects - Tazos... pogs i used to buy from the newsagents. I stuill have coco pops at times and ricicles. Goh to be a kid.
  8. <--lol that does kinda look like it! It has the little grey mouths they had on their mask! If only it had the Spideman eyes! And I KNEW Fliss wouldn't let this thread down! She even know the song!! Never had Power ranger pgs tho.. Only..normal Pogs..spent a fortune too..damn i was stupid! WOOP! erm....I only know that bit coz that's what on the adverts! I had 'normal' pogs too.......man I LOVED 'em! They were like......so cool, dude.......and what were the things called that you flipped them over with...shoot I've forgotten! It was like a ginat plastic pog and they came in loads of different shiny colours Did you have the pogs that we're looney tunes ones?? They were FANTASTIC!! and you could stick them together with the littl ridges to make REALLY COOL works of art type thingies....haha I remember they had inventors on at one point - you'd have (ah shoot what's it's name...)the bird thingy who ran like really fast being Alexander Grahame Bell or sumthing... The plastic ones were slammers. I loved them ones especilly cos they were shiney n feely... I still have my star wars tazos stuck on my wall by my bed!
  9. OMG i LOVED pogs!!! I had loads of Power rangers ones. I loved the special shiney ones.
  10. I used to share my brother Master system with him, then i had like nothin up untill i bought a nintendo Ds.
  11. I dunno... he didnt like white because he was so up himself, (white not my bro), and Well, im not sure about red. Altho... he had a Red ranger toy when he was younger - my mum won it - hmmmm.... okay im confuzzeled now
  12. Lol well he's one of my really best friends on the net i thought he deserved two and besides darkelfuk got 3 on his !!!! so i say lets go for it !!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MORK !!!!!!! lol okies i didnt get one in dont think You didn't??? i don't think i was on when it was yours coz i didn't see anything lol. I hope this doesn't happen on mine lmao !!!! lol ill start one for you if i rmemebr
  13. What a dream! I'm sure it'll come true...one day! Dreams are the best thing to have I WILL be pink ranger
  14. Lol well he's one of my really best friends on the net i thought he deserved two and besides darkelfuk got 3 on his !!!! so i say lets go for it !!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MORK !!!!!!! lol okies i didnt get one in dont think
  15. Another one Lol HaPPY BRIFDEE DARLINK!!!!
  16. Hmmm.... I'm not a Clive Owen fan, I find him a little...wooden.... I suspect he considers himself too big to do a TV series. I think he'd love to be Bond, but I heard they were looking for a younger bloke to play 'early' Bond in the casino Royal re-make. I like Clive owen. I think he'd be a good Bond, but not too sure about Dr.
  17. I loved the orginal series, i always wanted to be the pink one, and my bro wanted to be blue... Oh if only...
  18. No they wont get orlando bloom for Bond, hes too 'big' As for Dr Who i think David Tennant would be Ace at it, so i back up yours. and Sean Connery wasn't big? The last Bond movie was (I think) the highest grossing Bond film so far, so I'm not sure Orlando Bloom IS to big for the franchise. Have you been watching Cassanova? It's excellent!! Not when he started as Bond. Bond is what made him big. I mean that if Orlando took it then people would only go see it for him, instead of going because its a Bond film.
  19. No they wont get orlando bloom for Bond, hes too 'big' As for Dr Who i think David Tennant would be Ace at it, so i back up yours.
  20. oOOOOh i totally hope theres others ^_ ^ SPECIALLY Gerry
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