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Grip (2/23)



  1. Hey, everyone. Since I just paid for my new house, I won't be at Eclipse 2. I still want everyone that does go wish a very good time, and bring back lots of pictures Eclipse 3 will be good possibility though, so yeah!
  2. Hm, I don't know. Do you really want to put an animal through that ordeal? The RSPCA is gonna shut you down (kidding, sort of). At least the people can choose to do it
  3. I vote for company vault. Can be really somber and creepy. Great for photos.
  4. Zachary Quinto should go without saying Unspecial Ando! Best sidekick currently. George Takei and Nichelle Nichols, more for Star Trek TOS, but that would be sweet! Also Malcolm McDowell, greatest villain actor out there. Jimmy Jean-Louis for being an inspirational person!
  5. Don't be, the kettle (electric water boiler) was disgusting! All calcified and green stuff on the coils too. Hello Mr. Health inspector
  6. I'm still not sure how blunt swords fit into this. But since I need to board a plane, all the talk is futile for me anyways
  7. I was lucky too! I only remembered about the gift at the auction, then I kept forgetting to ask, because mine never showed in my room! Then tooTall said it was probably too late, to talk to the front desk. They said they already returned any they had left to the organizers (I was about to cry). But Jason was at the registration desk, and I asked, and they had exactly one left! Happy day!
  8. Looking god with the sword, Steve. I uploaded mine to myNBC (it's a little wonky, but works for now) http://my.nbc.com/photos/sabzero If anyone wants a photo for personal use without the watermark, let me know.
  9. Just to throw in my vote for a DVD of the event! You went through all the trouble to set the cameras up, might aswell
  10. Only thing I bought was a George Takei autograph, the picture immediately caught my eye, so I had to have it!
  11. A lot more chairs in general I would say. Also, queuing needs improvement - just put up those band "railings" like they use at the airport... At sunday some people just put themsleves infront of everyone. As for parties, the sunday one was best, with the huge tables! You should add that to the other parties, so people have a comfortable and quiet spot to meet and chat - not everyone enjoys hours of loud music .
  12. Yes, breakfast, and the obligatory sandwhich-for-later-making What time do people get up? I also don't know what the breakfast schedule at the Park Inn is...
  13. Ugh, don't make me think about it. Probably really close to one month salary
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