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Everything posted by morpheus

  1. Frankly Blalock was one the main guests I went for (along with Alex Siddig and Temeura Morrison, who were both great) but there was no way I was paying £20 for a 'no posed photos and no personalisations' kinda guest! Where's the fun in that?? Also, without wishing to be bitchy, she looked kinda grotesque in real life. Borderline anorexic (very thin arms and bony hips) and oddly orange hair that clashed hideously with her bright pink lips. If you enjoyed meeting her then that's great and good for you. But I thought £20 was taking the urine somewhat and wasn't particularly impressed.
  2. More DS9 guests please. Andrew Robinson, JG Hertzler, Armin Shimerman, Jeffrey Combs, Nicole de Boer, Nana Visitor, even the guy who played Admiral Ross would make me happy!!
  3. Yes he did look tired at 3pm but I don't think it's asking too much to put something on the wipeboard like "Going at 3:10pm" or something. It's used to announce breaks and lunchtimes and whatever.
  4. Get this for a tale of woe! On Sunday morning, myself and Mrs. Morpheus drove all the way down to MK from Sheffield (120 miles). Obviously we came to see many guests but my wife was especially excited about seeing Dean Stockwell as she is a big Quantum Leap fan. We also wanted to get a signed photo for her mother's birthday as she too is a big fan of QL. At about 3pm we went to see what Stockwell's queue was like. There was no queue so before meeting him my wife said "I want to buy him some cookies!". So off we went to Millie's (or whatever company it was) and bought him a big packet of assorted cookies. Upon our return, Stockwell was nowhere to be seen and his wipeboard now read "Gone for today". My wife was absolutely gutted. We had only been five minutes and were under the impression that guests would not just get up and leave without warning and certainly not at such an early hour. We had travelled all that way to get a really cool and original birthday present for her mother (as well as one for ourselves) and then it felt like we had been kicked in the teeth. My wife was nearly in tears. Which Ferengi Rule of Acquisition reads "No good deed goes unpunished"? That one certainly resonated with truth on Sunday. Not a happy bunny.
  5. If he can't hide his boredom any better than that then he's not much of an acotr, is he?
  6. Bonnie Piesse was surprisingly beautiful. I'd like her to come again just so she could smile at me again! Hmmmmmmmmmmm. :) I would also like Jeremy Bullock to come back as I didn't get chance to chat with him on Sunday and he seemed a very interesting guy.
  7. Are we talking about the same Christian Coulson??? The last two times he's been all he's done is sit there with his face propped up on his fist, looked bored, not really smiled much and got arsey about having his photo took. He's a small-time actor that could do with learning some humility and dropping the 'tude - and frankly I was surprised that Showmasters had him back again. He could learn a lot from Craig Charles!!
  8. Great film that I'm sure many of us have enjoyed in our childhood and it's absolutely chock-full of the sort of cult actors that Collectormania needs. Come on, you know it makes sense!!
  9. Hi all. I just a bit of a query. I've recently been clearing out some of the rubbish from my back bedroom and have found some complete trading card sets (in plastic boxes) that I bought about 1993. There's a Silver Surfer prism set, Xmen Series 2, The Simpsons and Monty Python's Flying Circus. Do you think I would be able to sell them at C7? And how much do you think I would get for them?
  10. At Collectormania 4 there was a stand there selling LOTR weapons (Gimli's axe, Aragorn's sword, Sting, etc.) made from latex and fibreglass, made by a company called Skian Mhor. Could anyone tell me if they plan to be selling these items again at Collectormania 5?
  11. Wait until you've ever seen Stewart on stage! He's really got some serious presence!
  12. Aaaaaaah so that's where I recognised him from! I was thinking of a yougner Judge Reinhold! And I thought that having Marsters second on the cast list was a bit cheeky really - haven't the others deserved a higher placing than the newbie?
  13. It's not really related but I did see a girl at Collectormania 4 who had the Elvish from the One Ring tattooed all the way around her upper arm. It looked so cool and strangely appealing. If I was single I'd have steamed in there!
  14. Hey, it's on very nice, fresh bloomer bread!! Catch you later, Girly!
  15. I'm pretty good. I'm at work but had to go out for a drive this morning to a place called Maltby, which is the anus of South Yorkshire. Just going to grab some lunch. Hmmmmm jam sandwiches at the Replomat!
  16. Try using this image as an avatar and changing the pixels to 55 wide by 64 high. :) http://www.ifrance.com/flacso/matrix/image83.jpg
  17. At least it brought a smile to your face!
  18. Well, let's just say that it has nothing to do with my long-standing fantasy about being trapped for 12 hours in a turbolift with Major Kira.
  19. I actually found Eve's "shiftiness" quite appealing.
  20. And what was it about series 7 that you liked so much ? Was it all the Dominion War stuff?
  21. Boreanaz's hair has been through many subtle changes. It really screws with your mind when you remember that Angel can't even look in a mirror! I was very pleased with the addition of Harmony to the cast, the new girl Eve was very sexy and I liked her and it was a very impressive bit of CGI for Spike's 'resurrection'. Great stuff!
  22. Wow! Wasn't it great? I hurried home from a meeting at work to ensure that I was sat down and ready for it at9pm and it sure didn't disappoint! Not sure about Gunn getting all that info pumped into his brain though, although he did look and act kinda cool in that suit. :) Fred really seemed to have the most characterisation in the episode. I think she'll have her hands full dealing with her 'Little Shop of Horrors' and all its freak scientists. And I was so relieved that Spike wasn't thrown in until the very end. That was truly the best way for all the viewers (new and old) to realise that the show is not ABOUT Spike - he just happens to be a part of it now. Coooooool!
  23. The final episode of DS9 was an incredible feat of emotional highs and lows. To be honest, I think it was better than the last two Trek movies! You must get in touch again when you finally see series 7 - share your feelings with us all! And DS9 didn't end with TV. Fan power has led to the series living on in novels, of which there are about ten novels now, all documenting the adventures of the DS9 crew post-series7.
  24. Exactly! I never thought Star Trek would make a play for the Baywatch audience!
  25. I too love Hugo Weaving. Agent Smith was THE character of the last two Matrix movies. It's so much fun doing Smith impressions! However, for some reason, I still can't see that avatar.
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