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Everything posted by MLP*

  1. I agree that no-one should have a go at the forum staff (and based on the posts I've read I don't think anyone is.) I think people just want to express their frustration and as this is the official forum it seems like the best outlet for it. Two weeks to go until the event and there are no talk tickets available and no talks schedule either. Unless the organisers sort this out soon they will end up with a situation where the guests are left talking to a handful of people because no-one could buy tickets in advance.
  2. via Twitter "@StarTrek_DST 3 minutes ago It's with sadness and disappointment that Jonathan Frakes can no longer attend #DSTE due to work commitments. Refunds are now being issued."
  3. They do, lots of good guests early equals lots of ticket sales not many guests equals not so many ticket sales. Showmasters are aware of this. I was actually talking about planning your trip there and the hotel. As long as I don't know the whole guests list, I'm not planning anything. So more names and information would be VERY welcome.. I'm guessing a lot of people, myself included, are holding off buying tickets until we get a more concrete line up. The sales for the event, at this stage, must not look very good for the organisers Agreed. I mostly go for the talks. I'm thinking of attending on the Saturday but there's no list of who is doing talks on the Saturday. The Enterprise stage talks are supposed to be ticketed but with just six weeks to go there are no talk tickets available for purchase. I'm not going to buy an entry ticket until I can at least provisionally plan out what I'm going to be doing on the day.
  4. Just checked the FAQ and it says "Talk tickets will be available to buy from early Summer, we will confirm closer to the time exactly when, please look out for notices via email and/or social media and this website!"
  5. If they want to sell talk tickets, they will need to give an indication of who is doing talks on which days.
  6. indeed. If they could put up a schedule soon I could make a decision whether to attend or not.
  7. Would love to see Shatner's World but it looks like the last train out of Birmingham for me would be 9:15pm so with a 7pm start time I think it might not be possible.
  8. Great guest as I believe Roberta Tovey does very few events.
  9. She- Ra ! Actually would like to get She-Ra's autograph.
  10. Good selection of guests so far with hopefully more to come. I will likely come up for just the Saturday. No talk tickets as yet so it remains to be seen who will be chargeable and who will be free. At previous events the Saturday evening slot was the 5 captains and TNG panels. Will be interesting to see what it is this time. ('50 Years Not Out: Celebrating Star Trek's Many Re-inventions Talk') presumably, although that could be anything really.
  11. NEC I would think as it has hotels and excellent transport links.
  12. Birmingham is not ideal for me (2 hour train ride each way) so it depends what the guest list is like. Even worse news for everyone who booked out all the hotels around the Excel centre assuming it would be there !
  13. As it's the 50th anniversary, hopefully some TOS guests. George Takei has not done a DST before so he'd be a good choice. Plus some of the new cast as well. I think only Karl Urban has done DST before.
  14. It says "UK convention announcement" on the website.
  15. Good news ! No mention of the venue but hopefully it's the Excel again. Definitely plan to be there at least one day, as it's the 50th anniversary.
  16. I would love another Destination Star Trek in the UK but I imagine it would have to be later in the year.
  17. Plenty of people will buy them just for the shiny tins rather than what's on the discs. If you want the original theatrical versions, I suspect a 40th anniversary edition in 2017 is your best bet !
  18. The old films are with Fox and the new ones are with Disney so it might indeed be a while before there's a boxset with all of them in...
  19. I believe that there's a new Batman '66 animated film coming next year with Adam West, Burt Ward and Julie Newmar, so all would be great guests to get.
  20. Tracy Scoggins would be a good guest. Also known for Babylon 5 and Deep Space Nine.
  21. Wow ! i guess the Diamond passes weren't as exclusive as I would have thought...
  22. This news has put me off ever buying a Diamond Pass. I thought the whole point of buying a Diamond Pass was that it guaranteed that at least a small number of fans who could afford it would get their autograph / photo / talk. Now it transpires that they failed to take into account how long it would take to get Englund into make-up. So you are now offered credit which you'll need to use by travelling to another Showmasters event at your own expense !
  23. The Cumberbatch queue was a bit mental. People started queueing an hour early while we were queueing to get in for the preceding special effects talk. When I returned later on there were so many people there that it wasn't clear where to stand. The stewards tried to get people to form up into one queue which caused some people to start running from one side of the room to the other to try to queue jump.
  24. There doesn't seem to be a ticket option for the Visual Effects Show with Danny Hargreaves. Is this open to everyone, or only to certain ticket types ?
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