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Everything posted by bonkersbimbo

  1. Hopefully will be able to see them again this year. they always have such amazing stuff ^ ^
  2. me, le boyf and le best friend are planning pokemon cosplay - red, blue and green :3
  3. omg omg omg omg I cant wait to meet this man, Think i will need to get autographs or family will kill me
  4. um does anyone know why stv have advertised that collectormania as the last glasgow one? tell me it isnt so. http://glasgow.stv.tv/155109/
  5. Once again i have changed my costumes. Me and Le boyf are now going as Great Saiyaman and Videl from dbz on saturday and Nami and Zorro from One piece on sunday. I cant wait to see you all.
  6. Cosplay update. finally started moving my butt in gear. Battle bunny Riven is 1/3 done (unsure if i will have carrot blade for cm tho), Nami i havent even started on though ...woops.
  7. collectormania is in 23 days and i still havent started on either of my costumes. This year is the year i'm supposed to be handmaking all of my costumes and i am just putting it off.. I need motivation,
  8. Today i got my butt in gear and ordered the stuff i needed for my cosplay for collectormania, I will be spending maybe the whole weekend as Nami from one piece but 2 different outfits. @captain_Sparrow oooh im gonna come get pics :3
  9. hey everyone been a while since i posted here but Day 2 of collectormania the glasgow cosplay group have dubbed 'Pirate day' We are all doing pirate cosplays, from tv shows, animes, games. If anyone wants to join us then let me know, trying to get as many different types of pirates as possible
  10. Guys on the saturday my friend was dressed as Deadpool and he was wondering if by chance anyone got a picture of him?
  11. This day has been amazing. I met so many awesome people and i can't remember the names of anyone to find them on people. After the con a whole load of us ended up in the boat and then just sitting outside having a laugh. it was so much fun. I cant wait til next year to see everyone again :3
  12. Jockyank That was Aranel cosplay. She was one of the local cosplay stars and was a judge of the cosplay contest. If anyone is going tomorrow look out for me in my h.o.t.d. cosplay as there is a 90% chance i will be walking around by myself tomorrow.
  13. sue the local cosplay community is far more excepting now as none of the snobby cosplayers cosplay anymore or show up to meets so we basically took over and started running amok. more love for da store bought cosplays, and the trial and error cosplays :3
  14. Another video has been planned for this weekend and it's a cosplay video of Gentlemen. Last year my friends did Gangnam Style everywhere and this year they want to do gentlemen so if you know any of the dance and want to be in on it then let me know
  15. i keep wanting to go into geek retreat but i keep chickening out >< i may join you on friday if it's for definate
  16. so my day 2 collectormania cosplay is 90% done. Masquerade Twilight Sparkle. my friends are being rarity and applejack https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/1174694_672159722811754_813871232_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1173833_672159719478421_550752906_n.jpg
  17. ok turns out my Karin cosplay wont be here until after collectormania *sad face* so my 2nd cosplay will be Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony with my friend as Rarity
  18. in past experience if there usually is someone at the front door. If there isn't head to the cosplay desk and they will look over your props and make sure there con safe
  19. I love H.O.T.D it's one of my fave animes ever
  20. due to funding shortage on my part i've had to rethink my cosplays for this >< so i'm thinking my Highschool of the dead cosplay - either Rei or Saya Takagi (not sure which) and my friend ordered me a cosplay so if that comes i will be Karin from Naruto
  21. omg if brian does that i will end up on the floor in stiches
  22. someone will most likely be walking around with a sign and a camera trying to get people and i will be walking behind them shouting for people to follow us
  23. I'm not sure if you are aware but last year there was a cosplay lip dub video done. This year my friend is making another one and i thought i would let you guys know to see if any of you want to take part. This years song will be 'GOOD TIME' by OWL CITY so if you let me know if youw want to take part we can catch you on one of the days. last years video - dont stop me now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUca475AUI0
  24. guys anybody going to be in town tomorrow?
  25. Zara you actually put it on really well for someone who hasnt worn a wig before but if you want on the day i can help you secure it?
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