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Saw 3


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So saw 4 is out, has anyone seen it yet?

Please forgive me for having a rant about saw 3 for a minute.


Like most people i enjoyed saw 1. Although i didn't enjoy saw 2 as much i really liked the twist that the girl from the original film (her name escapes me) had planned to take over jigsaws role and do his work for him when he dies. Since through him she had learnt a lesson through his tests.


Now i'm 22 and although i enjoyed halloween and jason films and freddy films , candyman films etc etc. These all started when i was too young. So i am quite excited that the saw movies are coming out every year at halloween and these movies are somthing that i can follow.


I thought that the girl being the new jigsaw was a great idea, and when we are on saw 11 we can look back at how actually saw 1 was all about the girl but actually when watching it back then we didn't know that. I thought was was super clever.


So imagine my anger when i sat through saw 3 (which i thought was rather poor) to find out that jigsaw is being kept alive and then he goes and kills the girl. Not so clever after all, i have to question why that twist was ever made if it was only gonna be demolished in the third film. Not sure weather to bother with saw 4.


I would be intrested in other peoples thoughts on these films.

Edited by lovbug
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I have never been able to see the first 3, but will do in due course. But I saw SAW IV on Saturday and it was excellent. It dealt alot with his past and it is an open ending - I won't spoil it by saying how, but it is a film that lulls you in and then bitchslaps you with a shock...

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  • 11 months later...

Saw V is out this month in the USA. How long will they be able to keep up this "new sequel every year" thing they got going? I gave up after Saw II cos it was s***. The first film was a clever thriller but the sequels turned the series into a slasher exploitation franchise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've seen all 5 of the Saw movies (saw the 5th on Saturday, sadly not on Halloween, and liked them to various degrees)


I like the 1st one, although I haven't seen it for ages The 2nd one is my favourite (no idea why), didn't really like the 3rd after the second watch apart from the last half hour or so, don't remember much of the 4th, and I didn't mind the 5th too much (except half way through it made me want to watch the 2nd one again)

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