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What Was The Day Like


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well i crewed the event so it was a little different for me but i had a fantastic time.


autographica is not meant to be liek the larger showmasters events. it is a smaller show with a much more relaxed atmosphere... for soem of you it may seem boring but for others... its a way to actually spend a lot of time with the guests because there is no pressure of the queue behind.



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I also crewed this event, so I have a different view of things. I thought it was great, being it was my first autographica. I think Gary and Dave did a brilliant job and deserve a pat in the back, you guys rock!!!


As for a Sharpe line up with out Sharpe, that worked, those guys were so down to earth, if they got any closer they would have fallen through the earth. They are also very funny and relaxed and hada blast working in the Sharpe room on Sunday. I know they have tried to get Sean, but Sean is a very busy man, he has at least 3 movies in the pipe line at the moment, and to tell you truth I would rather him do the films nad wait a bit longer to meet, means you can have more to chat about.


Autographica is a different type of event to the LFACC and Collectormanias, a slower paced event, even when busy, which isn't a bad thing. With it being quiet you had more time to chat to your heros or favourite guest, take the opportunity while you can, as they next one will be more busy.


All in all a fab weekend and I can't wait until next year will be fantastic.




PS Indio, I thought you weren't going? What made you change your mind?

Edited by Marina
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