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Quick question for SM re screening tickets


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Hi SM,


Nothing very dramatic or earth-shattering or stunning or anything, but I was just wondering when the screening tickets were going to be posted out? :P


This isn't a hassling question, just wondering when I should start panicking about whether or not they've got lost in the post! :D:lol:

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only 18 days to go, if your going on the Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!!!!!!!!! *SQUEALS HYSTERICALLY* That I did not need so soon after my tea - agh! 18 days - I can't believe it's as few as that! :angry: Anyone else feeling the same way? :D BTW, my local radio station is playing "The Breaking of the Fellowship" at the moment and I'm having a lovely wibbly moment. The score for FOTR is, imho, absolutely amazing. :jason:

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