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Really important (Showmasters and others)

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Okay this is really important even if some of you don't think so.


I am making a Fellowship for C4, also can Showmasters read this.




Showmasters I was wondering if I could get a full Fellowship please could me and the group (if I get a full one) may we have a group photo with the 9 (fellowship) and the LotR guests (hobbits, gollum, witchking, sauron and lurtz). Please reply to me.




Hello all you know how much you love me and all I still need a full Fellowship I am now totally confused of who I have and who I don't. I need all 9 and know who I have before about 25th September.


Legolas - Me

Boromir - Jo

Samwise - Babyfrodo

Aragorn - Serkette

Edited by naurarwen_fangorn
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Yeah I was thinking the same thing. To get Lijah to be Frodo in my group for me. Hehe. Yes Arwen an be randomly in the now 10 personed Fellowship.


Thank you Babyfrodo you a star. Just so you know anyone who wants to be in Fellowship it is vital that you e-mail me asap on landra_knight@hotmail.com so I can clear things up with you all.


Fro Naurarwen

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Has anyone noticed how much Elijah Wood looks like Frodo from LOTR? I mention this because he'll be at C4 perhaps you can get him to join your group (assuming he can find a suitable costume I realise you wouldn't want him without a costume)



I'd like him without a costume! :( Sorry, had to say that.

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Me and my friend are dressing up as Arwen, and go like elfsisters, LOL


But do people have to walk around in those costumes then whole day? *stupid question prolly :blink: *

I think being naked will be frowned on by Centre MK staff. :D


So some form of clothing will be advisable.


There's a market niche SM, they have nudist camps and nudist beaches, but has there ever been a nudist autograph signing event?? ;)


Obviously the guests would have to be nude as well to get the full experience :P


I want to be in Kristanna's :gorgeous: Line (all DAY)!!!!!! at the first such event. :P

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right here is the list so far


Legolas - Me

Boromir - Jo

Aragorn - Serkette hopefully

Merry - KT

Pippin - pippintook

Frodo - sarah-4-ever

Samwise - Badyfrodo and perfectpip

Gimli - Hobbit_of_Dorsetshire


Arwen - Kasumi and friend also LilElfGirl's friend

Galadriel - LilElfGirl

Eowyn - LilElfGirl's friend


Gandalf is still need though.

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right here is the list so far


Legolas - Me

Boromir - Jo

Aragorn - Serkette hopefully

Merry - KT

Pippin - pippintook

Frodo - sarah-4-ever

Samwise - Badyfrodo and perfectpip

Gimli - Hobbit_of_Dorsetshire


Arwen - Kasumi and friend also LilElfGirl's friend

Galadriel - LilElfGirl

Eowyn - LilElfGirl's friend


Gandalf is still need though.

hee, fun ^.^


But it could be I change my dress, I found 2 other pretty dresses of Arwen...I cannot pick...so tuff!


I'm going to pick between the one I posted already, then this






this ArwenRose_sj.jpg


Well, see you guys sunday, me off to Germany! YAY




So, should we wear the costume whole sat or sun or monday then?


I'm still confused about it when we should wear it ^^"

Edited by Kasumi
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