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anywhere France is I don't wanna be -is still disgusted by them- Do you know we've fought more wars against the French then anyone else combined and that more French fought for the Nazi's than the Allies during WWII and that it was the French who beat the ENglish at York Town, not America, winning American Independence and well that during that war for independence we were fighting the three super powers of the world at the time, France, Netherlands and Spain!


Class dismissed, History lesson over! XD

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okay...france, in fact they don't deserve a country name...from now on I reckon france should be 'the country that cannot be name' slightly longer, but more fitting lol! I have a great joke about a Welshman, Frenchman and Englishman, I heard it on a train and it rocks! I think i posted it in the jokes-a-day post in games, but I shall post it again!




Poppies forever!

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evil french people -huggles Moony-

I agree, poor Moony - but you can't say that all French people are evil. Think this thread topic is excellent and deserves to be aired, but - y'know, the slagging-off is getting a bit OTT. I could be wrong, but I think we actually have a couple of French people on the forum and they're gonna find this offensive. :o:firedevil:

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in my experience, the french dont like the english, like at eurodisney, everythins in bloody french! when like 90% of the ppl wot go there can speak more english than french, english being like one of the main languages of the world.....no offence to any french ppl, im sure ur not all bad, in fact i knew a frenchman once, he was kinda kool

Erm, well, sorry if I sound stupid here...but isn't Eurodisney in FRANCE?!!!!


Probably why the language is in...erm...FRENCH!!!!


Just another example of how ignorant we are as English-speakers to expect every country to adapt to our own lazy needs...why don't we actually invest in an easy to use phrasebook perhaps?


I think it's a good idea to at least attempt to learn a bit of the language of the country I am visiting!! Maybe I'm mad, but it does seem that every other nationality in the world has made the effort to learn more than one language!!


For gods sake, even the children I worked with in Asia (as young as 5) were speaking about 4 languages fluently!


Anyway, I do think what is happening here is awful...but to completely run France's name into the ground is a bit much don't ya think? It may seem innocent, but stuff like this breeds xenophobia, leading to racism!! We don't want to alienate anyone on these boards!


Yeltz is right...there are probably French people on this forum so stop with the hatred lol! Go and visit Paris one day and actually try to enjoy the place...it's actually really beautiful!!


Eek...rant over! B)

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its not that though, it's the fact that she was 11, I agree that as people English people are lazy and can't speak other languages and assume everyone else will speak their language instead, I speak german and everyone in austria thought I was russian coz I actually tried to speak the language, but at 11 and lost they could have tried to be nice! As I say I have met some lovely French people two of whom I worked with, but on the whole I have met some really rude french people, more so than eveywhere else even when i did try speaking the language!

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its not that though, it's the fact that she was 11, I agree that as people English people are lazy and can't speak other languages and assume everyone else will speak their language instead, I speak german and everyone in austria thought I was russian coz I actually tried to speak the language, but at 11 and lost they could have tried to be nice! As I say I have met some lovely French people two of whom I worked with, but on the whole I have met some really rude french people, more so than eveywhere else even when i did try speaking the language!

Yeah, I understand!!


Sorry, I was being s***ty earlier...blame the illness :unsure:

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You can't hold this against the entire country guys, there will never be peace with blame for decisions probably made by a small number of people being laid upon a whole country.


Think about it from this angle, would you like it if someone posted that the English were all bastards because of the war in Iraq, I was against the war and would hate it to be though I was part of the idiot group in the government who made the decision to go to war.

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Wild poppys sometimes grow in my garden

yay for wild poppies! XD They're sooooo pretty!


Lady Elanor, the whole of Europe's heads of state (and some of their people) are slagging of the English for that! (Feels like being petty and childish) They started it!

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Lady Elanor, the whole of Europe's heads of state (and some of their people) are slagging of the English for that! (Feels like being petty and childish) They started it!

The English govt!!!! Not the people!


I certainly didnt back the war...and I still dont!!


I hate the fact that certain people think of me in the same bracket as Tony Blair and his lover across the pond....eurgh :firedevil:

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Lady Elanor, the whole of Europe's heads of state (and some of their people) are slagging of the English for that! (Feels like being petty and childish) They started it!

The English govt!!!! Not the people!


I certainly didnt back the war...and I still dont!!


I hate the fact that certain people think of me in the same bracket as Tony Blair and his lover across the pond....eurgh ;)

I guess the difference is I'm not petty and childish, I want nothing more than peace and not to see dying children on the news as a result of war. As a result of people blaming a nation for the minorities crimes I have to see my daughter suffer racial abuse at the age of six because of her skin colour and the fact she may (but actually her fathers side are Hindu) be Muslim. She's six, if she was a Muslim should she be held to blame for what others have done?


The blame and the hate has to end somewhere or it will just be passed on to future generations. I'm not condoning what has happened in France, I think it's awful, but I'm disputing the feeling of resentment to an entire nation due to a minority.




"All we are saying is give peace a chance" John Lennon.

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I like being petty and childish...I win so many more arguments with my sister that way!


I'm all up for peace too, I mean is terirble that people have to suffer and that religion causes such problems for the minority of small minded people! I've just had bad experiences with the french and it makes me not like them...at all, I have no problem with any one else, well apart from the people that design spanish restaurant menus and make sure the only thing I can ever order is pizza (am allergic to fish) Other than that the only people I think that need to go are war mongerers!


'Desire for power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely' Tippin to Philisophy teacher who gave me an A for that statement! XD

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yay! I meet nice people I don't think about nationality, it's not really all that important to me, but when it comes to wars and national pride in association then it's different, especially WWI and II.


I have a french friend called dotty too...

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I was watching this report an Arafat's death today and what he was like and you really would be very surprised about how similar to him Blair, Bush and Chirac are in the way they rule, it really is quite frightening (studying law means we look at the way power is divided in different governments)

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