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Everything posted by fallenwiccan

  1. my 18th was announced in the night club i'd been going to ever week for the past 6 months, they stopped the music and made everyone sing happy birthday including the bouncers lol and yeah sunday nights are fun cause they're so relaxed, i love leaving on the monday mornings, feel dead upset if i have to leave on the sunday night
  2. they are quite fun and at least you vaguely know when to come onto the forum for announcements
  3. zavvi never heard anything about the change until it had already happened. anyone know if it is still owned by virgin? i don't think they are, hence the name change, i think a few have recently closed as well and virgin mobile shops are appearing so who wants to bet the shut the in zavvi ones
  4. Oh gosh I just read about that. She certainly shouldn't be doing that, especially after her final episode of the O.C. DUI on a suspended licence and in possession of narcotics, silly silly girl, had to laugh that her mam left her in over night before coming to pay the $10,000 bail but if she's not careful she could end up with a day in jail (like they'd guve her more )
  5. i dunno mischa's busy getting arrested for DUI lol
  6. you can pay cash when you are there but they, and most hotels, require credit card details in case you don't turn up so they don't lose out on a nights room rate.
  7. it's a well known fact he won't do Who events, he made it perfectly clear to the press when he was in the role, he also left so soon because he didn't want to be type cast as the doctor. lord knows why he took the role in the first place then
  8. This wouldn't work, imagine you've had photoshoots all morning (for the people who want those) and then it comes to your time to sign autographs and you're being photographed again all afternoon in a probably dimly lit room so the flash is going, hell i'd be cranky. Conventions are fun because there aren't cameras constantly going, the guests can relax and wander around the event with their minders and know that the fans aren't going to stop and talk to them, i've had some fun conversations in the ladies loos with guests because they really do just relax and become themselves. Also maybe i don't have to have a professional photo taken on the night time but my gold ticket money would be partially going to fund the photographer so i'd personally feel obliged to, and after London Film and Comic con I'm not sure how happy people would feel about having all the thumbnails uploaded online.
  9. its not just the photographer here you have to think about though, the local development shops are going to be busy enough with the standard photoshoots before you even think of doing night time ones, and then what happens if a printer breaks due to a night time run and people cant get there photoshoot pictures back, there would be mass complaints. personally i hate party photos, i bought two from my prom 4 years ago and both remain hidden away, they too false, i'd much rather have a photo from a friends camera of me dancing or just hanging out at the bar or in our rooms having mini parties as thats what i'll be up to.
  10. i've just cancelled a double room at the IBIS for all three nights (friday to sunday) been trying to cancel it for a while now but they never picked up thankfully they finally did.
  11. To Karen's Collar Bone, love Jonathon Woodward's Adam's Apple oh the fun i've had explaining that one to people, especially as its in my stupid firefly book everyones signing, thankfully he didn't make me drink his whiskey. I think I have one to my smile as well but i'm not sure how he signed that *checks file* apparently that one was normal apart from being made to my collar bone! for some reason i thought it was my face, nope it was worse lol
  12. mark sheppards changes every time i see him half the time its just a squiggle and we were shocked one time to get one where you could actually make out an M and an S hehe
  13. i think catholic and some private schools have uniforms but remember you don't HAVE to follow the themes, i havent yet and i've done 6 conventions, the first time i will be will be after eclipse and thats only cause i have always wanted to dress that way
  14. The other side of that coin is that playing in an area where people are liable to be taking photos might not be the best plan. it was more nobody was taking any photos then people realised what we were doing and all started taking photos, was highly annoying
  15. a word of warning now, if anyone sees people playing group mario kart on DS' then please no flash photography its highly off putting and will lead to you getting a lot of abuse when you cause people to crash etc and yes it has happened at events we've been to in the past just leave us be
  16. it should be ok to get signed, i'm getting it for christmas so i'm not sure what the paper is like inside but i have my firefly companion volume 1 signed loads and they're ok as long as you hold it open for a minute afterwards until it dries (morena shut it but thankfully it didn't smudge just transferred and jonathon woodward signed over the top lol)
  17. i only do mornings at conventions i think i've trained myself now
  18. i have friends who slept in the bar area at a convention, the cleaners tidied around them and they nicked table cloths for covers (it was mid summer so not too cold) and yes they did have hotel rooms booked lol
  19. I'm a student too, one that doesn't work because i want to be able to concentrate on my degree where i have 18 hours of contact time a week. I'm sorry but if you can barely afford food then maybe you need to consider just how well you can afford this. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, far from it, i'm just pointing out that maybe your money priorities are a little a skew. Thankfully my boyfriend paid for my gold ticket to Eclipse and i'm paying him back by buying him two tickets to other events and giving him the rest in cash, after those three events theres no way i can afford Lockdown too so I'll have to give that one a miss.
  20. thats a signing event NOT a convention its completely different at the full weekend events
  21. I mean i booked them all for saturday not sunday if theres more than one at the same time they'll be in the same room (as more than likely only one photographer) so you just get one picture taken then join the end of the other queue its dead easy (i speak from experience of spending half my convention time in photo queues hehe) Thanks I was starting to panic, thinking i would miss out. you start to get dizzy from going round in circles so much but you do learn the photo room staff very well hehe
  22. This sounds right, again from experience. oh i get to witness more initiations wheeeeee, i love being in the photo room then, really must get myself initiated i said i would before an event last august but i forgot as usual lol Right, we're not leaving this event without you being JC'd and max or he'll get miffed lol if i could be bothered we'd bring our lightsabers but without a car its not that easy
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