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Everything posted by Celebgil

  1. I watch this on challenge at the moment! I vaguely remember it from childhood! But I was far too young to have been on it...*sniff*
  2. YES! Please SMs Anyone from Voyager would do! *but garrett wang would be seriously cool *
  3. When was she in trek? I don't think I've ever seen her....hmm will be interesting anyway :)
  4. 'course he would. He'd bite his kneecaps off!
  5. *has metal image of Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker slugging it out in the Middleton Hall.* *Dies laughing*
  6. well they made him look younger for finding the ring in FOTR didn't they, he had a darker wig on for a start! So it's possible he could do it. And definitely Andy for Gollum and Ian for Gandalf. There aren't any others from LOTR that are in the hobbit....except Gimli's father, Gloin, they could get JRD to play his own father
  7. You could try renting one. There's a costume shop near me that has one for sure, so find yourself a costume hire place and have a go!
  8. WHAT!?!!?!?!?!? Why is lovely Craig leaving the con circuit?!!?!? My life is over....*cries*
  9. I've met a bunch of people without paying. If there's no queue or you're with someone who is buying an auto they usually let you. however some guests put signs up, refusing to let people through if they don't pay. So just play it by ear!
  10. oh god yes, now I remember, thanks. Sad to hear that he's ill though. Get well soon John.
  11. sorry to be dense, but who is John Hollis?
  12. *Joins the grovelling chorus* PLEASE?
  13. wow, just looked at his filmography! I didn't realize it, but he's done stunt work for all of my fave TV shows! I'll be seeing him then!
  14. was he jesus in Brian? now I never knew that! All the more reason to see him then!
  15. ah, someone else that pays for autographs by starving....
  16. Is that all of them SMs? Thanks for some cool ones, but I would like to know when I can start breathing again.....
  17. YES YES YES!!!! I LOVE YOU SM's!!!!!!! I've wanted to meet him for ages!
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