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Everything posted by rich5wolves

  1. can't chavs be LOTR'S fans too ? we have had big names already to CM MK and it has never been a safety issue and i will take on board that if we get Orlando to RC UK we will sell more tickets and if we have day tickets we will sell more tickets but would have to sell 3 times as much to get the numbers were they should be thank you for advice jason If you get Orlando you would be able to sell out an event like this several times over.............It would be a major achievement and would appeal to fans of LOTR, Pirates and others. He could probably sell out an event on his own.
  2. We mostly all want it to but time is getting very short now. I think what undid this event was the lack of news. People sprt of lost interest a bit.
  3. I've not posted yet, still been reading all the news and views on this thread, but I haven't seen anything that says the Tolkien Society have said they aren't coming. That said though somebody waaaay back (somewhere in the early pages but I'm too tired to look now having just had a great weekend at Oxonmoot) said that people like John Howe, Alan Lee and the Tolkien Society didn't need as much warning to be booked - sorry but these guys all have lives and committments of their own so two months notice might not be enough. It's not that they've said they're not coming, it's that they've not even been approached (yet). Oh......... seems its not happening then............
  4. If it goes ahead it goes ahead if not then we still have other events on the scope. Expectations were high for this one and thats caused the disappointment.
  5. "Rich5wolfs: Do not give me this "it's your business" crap. Yes it is, and you should know that Showmasters is not run purely for profit. Why? Because I love running events and DO NOT do it simply to make money. However I do not intend to run an event which needs around 400 to 500 people to make it work if only 70 people want to actually come. Sorry mate, but it's about putting on a good show and it now looks like this event is not popular enough to make it work. I think that we should take a good look at the problems with this event which may be stopping people booking tickets: A lot of you have already met most of the guests from the film, so it's hard for us to get you a headliner who you haven't met yet. Of course it would be wonderful to bring you Orlando, Viggo, etc, but this really isn't viable. If we could get Viggo then all the world's LOTR fans would be booking up and we would sell out the convention and have the income to do all the things we want to, but unfortunately he is not doing events. Orlando's management want a large fee, more than all the guests we have had in the past, making him completely unfeasible to get as a convention guest. And so it goes on and on. There's no-one new that hasn't been to an event before which we can get, which it seems is what we need to bring you to make the convention work." Unsure about this to be honest - firstly it is your business. Secondly if the event doesnt generate a profit then it is not financially viable no matter how much we enjoy doing things. If it is simply for the fun of it and to put on a good show then go ahead and book Orlando anyway............ The other factor here is quite simply this. We were asked to vote for which guests we wanted to see at this event. We were told by you that you are in contact with all of the agents and anything is possible, including the big names. Now you say "Of course it would be wonderful to bring you Orlando, Viggo, etc, but this really isn't viable." A feeling of disappointment has swept through this forum over the last month or so. In all honesty if there were a handful of guests coming to this event that have previously been to other shows then I still would book. Hill, Davies, Wood, Boyd and Dom would see this event sell out quick! I have just booked a guest to appear at a venue for next year when im laying on an after dinner speaker and i was a bit suprised how much the agents fees are. I am at the same time worrying now about selling 180 plus tickets to this dinner. This is on a smaller scale to you guys but I kind of know where you are coming from. I am not one of those people attacking Showmasters as I enjoy the events as much as anyone. Id love this event to go ahead but like others if the guests are announced I am far more likely to book.
  6. In other words - I take it its not financially worth booking the guests if no more than 70 people are going to come, thats what you are really saying. I would book if these were announced but in all honesty this is you're business and you take the gamble so if it doesnt sell dont blame us. I think you are safe with this one but we arnt organising it and I do realise how much a guest (or his agent) asks to appear at these things. This event is not cheap and with only one guest announced of course people have been sceptical about booking. We havnt had much news for a while. People just like to know. The more guests added, the more people will come, to me thats not a gamble really but enough to make a worth while profit is for you to decide.
  7. As I've said before, I'm trying to stay positive - but I'm afraid I agree. I want to give SM the benefit of the doubt, but surely it wouldn't hurt just to have an "everything's under control, chaps!" message. I feel sorry for those who have booked non refundable accommodation................. As I said, maybe showmasters are just taking on to much all at once? I dunno, maybe this event will still be going ahead, but if this one doesn't then I won't be booking for any showmasters full weekend conventions till nearer the time, so I don't loose out like some of you guys might. LLAP It does seem like too much is on to do certain events to the best they can be done.
  8. As I've said before, I'm trying to stay positive - but I'm afraid I agree. I want to give SM the benefit of the doubt, but surely it wouldn't hurt just to have an "everything's under control, chaps!" message. I feel sorry for those who have booked non refundable accommodation.................
  9. Need insider information as we are not being given anything from Showmasters...................
  10. No news on this event for a while. Am unable to attend now. Not well organised at all.
  11. Maybe it's going to be a bit more intimate than originally envisaged? Just wondering. with 1 guest and 200 people wanting to talk to him you mean?
  12. Actually this event would be heaving!!!!!
  13. BRING BACK BURT REYNOLDS. He is a legend!!!!!!! If it helps, he was in Lord of the Rings!! Here's the proof!! BRING BACK BURT!!!
  14. The Mighty Burt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRING BACK BURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 BRING HIM IN, DRESS HIM AS GANDALF, JUST GET HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Sweeti - Who are all the people with Austin Powers??
  16. Yippee... I'm not alone anymore... Never seen it either... And you know what?.... I've never seen a single episode of Dr Who either... Don't know it at all.. (well, I'm a foreigner... might explain why...) Ive never seen 1 episode of it either!! lol
  17. I also have prior committments on this date and am very close to confirming them. I really wanted to go to this event as Showmasters asked us who we wanted to see and the option included all the big names. Havnt seen any announced so far though. (apart from Andy who ive met already) I think that everyone who has every heard of Showmasters has met Andy at least once LOL. He's a cool guy and has done lots since his last signing. But definately more of the background work needs to be added. It's not important how big a guest is, it's about Tolkien. The Tolkien Society would bring a huge part to this event, they know the real essence of this world that has been created where we can all escape to - not how drop dead gorgeous "the one who plays *insert name here*" is! In the few years that has passed, most of the LOTR actors have made themselves huge. It's becoming increasingly difficult to find windows in their busy scheduals and I think we should center on making this a Middle Earth event. Of course, if a top guest gets announced then this will only add to the excitement that the original announcement of Ring*Con coming to the UK generated in the first place. You say most of the cast have made themselves huge???? Who?? Some were big before hand. I would hardly say, Billy Boyd , John Rhys Davies, Sala Barker, even Viggo.........are A listers.................?? Not sure how you got to that conclusion. Orlando has granted and Mckellen already was but come on, by huge you are talking Brad Pitt and co. Not Seed of Chucky. Id rephrase most with a few. As for the Tolkien Society, are you a member or the owner lol A few more guests would make this event great without going down the Dead Poets Society route.
  18. I also have prior committments on this date and am very close to confirming them. I really wanted to go to this event as Showmasters asked us who we wanted to see and the option included all the big names. Havnt seen any announced so far though. (apart from Andy who ive met already)
  19. Obviously not that soon then............................
  20. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are going to be invaded by Trekkies lol
  21. It's a cop-out of an excuse because it's a perfectly valid reason for not updating it on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. (See, I'm a reasonable guy, I don't expect them to log on whilst they are away and do it). But it doesn't address the fact that having had the news on Tuesday afternoon, they didn't do it before they went away, knowing that if they didn't do it then, it would be wrong for most of the time between then and the start of LFACC. Put it this way; if at work I knew that a situation had developed and went off for a week and didn't tell our clients about it until I came back, I'd expect a major chewing-out from a senior partner or two. Good point. I wanted to disagree with you but cant really. The updating is poor and it really doesnt take very long,
  22. I think we got lucky with Brandon but hopefully we can get him back, missed him last time and he is always going to be a crowd puller. Bring Back Brandon you say?! Well the BRING BACK BURT CAMPAIGN has been somewhat disappointing so far................................... :)
  23. Thats interesting.................Seems Bill wasnt coming for a while then......?? Or am i missing something with what you said......?
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