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Everything posted by MikeDonovan

  1. The thing is, to be fair you're shaking the hands of, let say 100 pretty random people. Now lets be honest - some of these people will have picked their nose, or scratched their armpits (or worse), or gone to the toilet without washing their hands, etc. All of the various residues from those various activities are now all over your hands - so I can sort of understand someone who suffers from such conditions as germophobia, OCD or whatever being uncomfortable in this situation. I'm not saying that old Gene is not taking it a bit too far mind. If it was me, I would certainly shake hands with anyone I met if I were a celeb. But I reckon I'd wash my hands before preparing food
  2. I reckon you're right - the evidence is certainly compelling. Presumably he is going to be Sunday only though? Let's wait and see. Could this be part of a major James Bond reunion I wonder??
  3. I voted 'not as good as I'd hoped' - I'm only really going there for Kate Mulgrew and Sarah Clarke so far. Certainly would have been in Terry Farrells Q, but unfortunately she cancelled Still, I'm sure Showmasters are going to pull out some high profile names in the next two weeks! My predictions are Liv Tyler, Amanda Tapping, and Jeri Ryan
  4. Must admit I was a bit tempted by Mssrs Biehn and Ironside myself! But Frakes was my main aim - I have a TNG cast photo that is now 5/7ths complete - only Gates McFadden and Levar Burton to go (I've even got Patrick Stewarts scribble on there!). So there's a hint for showmasters! Know what you mean about spending loads - when you're dumping 15-20 pounds at a time it soon adds up! Still 4 times a year (including CM) isn't too bad. Who have you got on your list this year?
  5. You did post it before. I suspect it got burned because I posted a link to the store at which he is signing Anyway, he would certainly be a good addition to LFACCs line-up.
  6. Trouble with Catherine (and Monica Bellucci) is that the studio will want someone young - reason being that they want a franchise, and lets say they have 3 films out of it, that might be the best part of 10 years (one film every 3 years say). Monica Bellucci would be past 50 by that point (believe it or not), and Zeta Jones would be 46/47, so that counts them both out... realistically they're going to want someone in their early to mid 20s. This is why Jim Cavaziel didn't get a shot at Superman - he's fine for the role now, but whether he'll look the part in 10 years is another matter. Anyway, the thing is, I reckon Charisma will not get it in any case. She just doesn't 'look' right for the role, and she has too much baggage (Buffy, the Playboy shoot, etc).
  7. I have a feeling that Charisma is going to get A LOT of requests herself. Lets face it - she's not exactly been smacked around the face with the 'ugly stick', so to speak. Doesn't do that much for me mind - to be honest I prefer Sarah Clarke!
  8. I have to say, it's pretty brave of you wandering up to Charisma Carpenter with a nude picture for her to sign. Not sure I'd have the front to do it. Although, if I remember correctly (prob don't), the pics she did for Playboy weren't 100% nude - just 75%? But anyway, kudos to you for having a go. Me, I'm not that fussed. However, if Jeri Ryan turned up, that would be an entirely different matter. I would be printing out a few wallpapers, believe you me
  9. Wasn't Charisma Carpenter up for the Wonder Woman role at one point? if Weddon is attached, I would have thought she'd be in the running.... Not sure she would be the best choice IMHO though - the role has clearly got Monica Belluccis name written all over it, but, to be fair, she might be a little long in the tooth for the studio to consider. Anyone know?
  10. Last year I went for Jonathan Frakes, and Melody Anderson (who looked fantastic - couldn't believe Flash Gordon was 23 years ago!). This year, I'm mainly aiming to assimilate Kate Mulgrew ( ), with perhaps Sarah Clarke as well - depending on the pics that are available. Not sure I'm over-fussed about Val Kilmer to be honest - will decide on the day. 2 guests isn't that long a list, but I'm confident that SM will announce another guest or two over the next couple of weeks. Keep up the good work ShowMasters - See you guys there!
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