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Everything posted by Dom-inated

  1. Anyone from Red Dwarf please. pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top.
  2. i think i remember you. not sure though because I met so many people it was unbelievable
  3. hey tish tosh. i saw u on saturday loads cos I kept goin up 2 sala. shame we didn't get a photo.
  4. dunno about tht 1. It was gr8 meeting Craig. On Sunday I was wearing my PantaLoons t-shirt and to call me over he said "Come over here you crazy PantaLoon!" lol
  5. RED DWARF, RED DWARF, RED DWARF do I need to make it any more clear and Blackadder eeps 2 and LOTR peeps............
  6. Noggin go 2 my msn group http://groups.msn.com/LOTRandsuchlike/obse...ssedsdudes.msnw you will find some spaz glasses pics. hope you like 'em
  7. Click on the links below to look at my photos. It should work. Let me know what you think. http://groups.msn.com/LOTRandsuchlike/obse...ssedsdudes.msnw
  8. on sunday i had a t-shirt with my Pantaloons sig pic on and my Panatloons id badge pinned to it. it was sooo good because wen i met craig parker the second time he sed "come over here you crazy Pantaloon!" it was sooo funny and I was laughing head off. t-shirts do have the power.
  9. c u all on sat and sun. wil be dressed in a purple dress and cream cloak
  10. i think it was in the press release that there were still 2 they were in talks with
  11. As C5 starts tomorrow I (and probably everyone else) was wondering what happended to the "two big lotr stars". Have they been confirmed to attend or can't they come? Could you please confirm whether or not the two guests are coming and if they are what days will they signing? Thanks, keep up the good work.
  12. rite so need to find out what Rickman101 looks like. for the benefit of TishTosh I will be dressed as Celebrian from the LOTR books and will have a sig pic on my back with four hobbits and and elf on it!
  13. you should be fine. mark has said that modified items are ok.
  14. no i aint not mad *twitches* i am completely sane *mooooo*
  15. everything nearly ready? last minute alterations done? costume pressed ready to be worn? if you have answered yes to the question then congrations you are ready for Collectormania 5!!!!!!!!! in t minus 2 days. woot to ya all.
  16. Good Luck to all the Showmasters peeps and good luck 2 everyone who is going, hope you get to see everyone you want and can string at least one sentence together if you get to speak to them!
  17. my friend celebgil is goin as Eowyn. Can't wait to c da whole costume. I'v only seen the top half. she looks quite scary in the wig she got, but it does look good once you get used to it.
  18. Knew he had been in Cats and CCBB. Unfortunately cldnt get 2 c CCBB wen he was in it, but frm what I have heard he was gre8 in it! I thought the same about Cat. He just kept tlkin and tlkin!!!!! tee hee
  19. Thanks to Mark for the confirmation. I am soooooo relieved.
  20. I really thought they had got Pavarotti when Brian stepped through the doors. Most excellant performance, top man.
  21. It is the thing about wigs and hats we need help with. Want to make sure they are ok 2 be used in a costume. I know there is another thread around but I though starting a new thread might get Showmasters to confirm the rules if they knew so many people were confused. Thanks anyway. :)
  22. I think we need to hear something "from the horse's", the "oil grinder" etc
  23. Showmasters could you please confirm them. Alot of people are worried that they won't be able to enter because they have bought wigs, hats, shoes etc. So not everything they are wearing they will have made themselves. Does this mean they can not enter???? Thanks.
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