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Everything posted by Liv

  1. So, I've been collecting as many £5 notes as I can as I understand the crew prefer if you can pay with them. However, it's really unlikely I'll be able to gather enough to pay for the extra autos I would like to buy for some of my friends. For Tom Welling, each auto is £45 I believe? Will it be ok still to use £10 and £20 notes? Or I think I remember that you can pay by card? How does that work? Of course, I will be getting my DP one on Saturday. And I remember reading that you can purchase up to at least 5 autos at a time.
  2. Yeah, I think you're probably right! Definitely wouldn't go down well.
  3. True. Though I don't know whether that's the right way to stand out and be unique. At least for me.
  4. I did Nate. Lord knows what I'll be like when I actually meet him. Oh no. Definitely won't be doing that. Too weird, embarrassing, etc.
  5. Me too I had a crazy dream last night about meeting him. It was SO weird. I dreamt the venue wasn't at Olympia, but at the supermarket I work at but there was virtually no one else there but me and a couple of other people so I had Tom pretty much all to myself and chatted for ages. It's so surreal, only 'cause I've dreamt many times about meeting him and now it's actually happening, but I still have that dream, just two weeks before it happens for real. I guess it's all the excitement.
  6. Oh true, could do it that way. I don't think my mum was that fussed over having one, she's only really loves the show and hasn't exactly seen Aidan in his other roles. I just thought it was quite the coincidence that he's attending the year I'm going.
  7. !! When I saw the announcement on twitter, all I could think was, my mum's going to be very jealous. She loves Poldark, and so I immediately went to tell her. Said I'd get an autograph for her, and then I come back to my laptop to look at the announcement further here and I see that he's Sunday only (I go home on Sunday). Oh dear. Now how to break the news to her?
  8. I've got two power banks too, very useful when needing to charge my phone. I guess that's understandable.
  9. Annette O'Toole - 'Cause a full Kent family photo would be awesome And 'cause I'm a huge OUAT fan I would love to meet Lana Parilla Ginnifer Goodwin Josh Dallas Jennifer Morrison ...pretty much the whole cast. I miss the show already and it only finished this year.
  10. Gross. Ok, thanks anyway! Thought I'd ask.
  11. I can't remember if this has already been asked, but as I intend to bring my own flask, will there be any water fountains or free water handed out so I can refill? I am trying to make sure I save on plastic so not to keep buying bottles of water. As it will be hot, I want to make sure I will be able to keep myself hydrated!
  12. That's an amazing story. Michael is a great guy, would love to also get the opportunity to meet him one day. Tom and Michael are such good friends too.
  13. Aww thank you! I tend to hate hot overcrowded places but for this it will be worth it. I'm just hoping the weather will be a lot cooler by then, this heat is already too much for me! Thanks also for the advice! I won't overthink it too much. I was generally just brainstorming questions for the talk. On the Saturday! and I have just booked a photo session with Tom and John Schneider for the Friday! That's something Michael himself would have come up with. Not something I would be brave enough to ask I'm afraid. Probably Michael's answer too.
  14. Not quite! But I'm getting there. Still got to think of at least one really good, unique question that he hasn't already answered yet. Going to try and come up with a few, as backups. Then organising exactly how many extra autos I'll be buying for my friends...and for myself. I have to be super organised when I'm there, so I know exactly what I'm doing and where I'm going. Or else my nerves will get me lost. This isn't just my very first Comic Con. This is my first solo trip to London!
  15. 3 weeks till I meet Tom Welling and NOW I decide to re-watch Smallville. No way I'll have the time to watch all 217 episodes before then, but I am going to re-watch some of my favourites from each season - starting with S1. I've re-watched the show countless times over the last 10 years, but surprisingly enough I think my last re-watch was back in around 2015 or so! Dug out my beloved Smallville box set. I think I know exactly what special item I want signed. Def going to be wearing my no tights no flights tee.
  16. That is FANTASTIC news. Thank you Netflix! I'm so glad I have an account with them. I've been watching on Amazon Prime, 'cause that's been the only way for UK to watch (Fox over here is behind by one season for some reason). I wonder if that means Amazon Prime UK will continue to put the show on there or because it's now on Netflix it won't? Will it be distributed to Netflix UK? Still, either way, the fact that they have saved the show has made thousands upon thousands of Lucifer fans really happy. The twitter campaign and other social media noise worked! Don't think Tom will return to S4, due to plot reasons but I'm sure he is just as happy about the news as he is a fan of the show himself. Really pleased to receive the news before the event!
  17. Of course I would not do that. Quite obvious what the answer would be since Tom is engaged.
  18. Ok, so I have another query. At the talk, how does the audience question process work?
  19. I'm SO excited. Still gotta book train tickets. Then I gotta sort getting extra cash...getting a bunch of fivers is going to be a pain to get now that we have no bank in my town.
  20. That would be pretty neat! Getting closer and closer to my dreams coming true! I still can't believe I'm finally going to meet him.
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