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Everything posted by Mfahey79

  1. For the dvds I can get behind him signing this perfectly. But when the stamps are episode specific it doesnt make sense for him to sign this
  2. My problem with getting Genesis as a stamp cover, is the only versions I can find have Terry Molloy's autograph. I can get Tom Baker and Peter Miles but again they have Terry's autograph. And this is by no means a slight on him, he isn't in the episode. So if I can find a cover with Tom on his own, or with Peter Miles, I'll snap it up
  3. That's the same thing I've heard as well. It has to be show specific, which is why they could host Destination Star Trek at the excell. LFCC would be off the cards
  4. I feel your pain, my sprained thumbs are taking their time as well. At times it feels 1 step forward 2 back
  5. And I thought I had it bad with two strained thumbs a badly bruised knee, and a broken toe. Hope you recover quickly
  6. I would need him on all three of his seasons steelbooks at a minimum, and season 4
  7. He is the other actor I keep an eye out for, if I see one with all three on, I will be snapping that up as well
  8. Diamond pass for Ncuti had to be done, even if the price made me wince, I still had to buy it. And I wasn't too far off with my guess on the price before I clicked on the website. As it was to be expected given his stature at the moment. Other then Ncuti, I need a photo with Jo Martin, I have her autograph but the event wasn't offering photos In regards to Peter's era, Samuel Anderson has just convention recently, so he hopefully we could see him in the future, and Jovian Wade has also done a couple in America, but other than these two and Jenna being a semi regular on the scene, his era is very much under represented
  9. I'd be going for 12, Flux and the Specials. especially the specials as other then William Russell (rip) I have everyone from the classic series and now need to get Jodie's era on the steelbook And, if Peter was confirmed, I would seriously finances dependant consider getting two diamond passes to guarantee getting at least two autographs
  10. Nice, I'm sure you will be able to find it whether signed on his own or with others. I've not looked in the last month to add to my stamp covers, with LFCC taking the majority of this months budget, but I do have my eye on a few with William Russell and Richard Franklin on
  11. Bonnie Langford has also been confirmed for the Milton Keynes show in September alongside Sylvester McCoy
  12. And as we discussed the possibility previously, Jodie Whittaker has been confirmed to be doing a number of Big Finish audios. Will be keeping my eye out for those
  13. I'm sure we will get a fair few cast members and guests from the recent series. Plenty of time between now and November
  14. Also, I'm hoping not to many more batches are offered. For the following A) without knowing how fast he signs, gives the chance of getting to virtual tickets and beyond. Giving a chance for everyone to get an autograph B ) if they limit the batches, it means there might me space in schedule for a dual shoot with Millie should she be confirmed
  15. It says they have the price point right, for someone who was in one one the highest grossing films last year, and star of two big TV series. Thankfully PayPal have the pay in 3 option to spread the costs.
  16. Would always be the case for his 1rst show. Although the price is on the high side, I'm not even shocked by it to be honest. 2nd highest diamond pass I've paid for, thankfully PayPal offer the pay in 3 option so can spread it a little
  17. I reckon they will be going all out to get Millie as well. It would make sense, to get them both at same show. I'm hoping for Carole Ann Ford, Louise Jameson, Lalla Ward, Sarah Sutton, Mark Strickson and Nicola Bryant all to make an appearance some I know are more realistic than others
  18. I was looking at the batches earlier, it did seem quite the leap from the regular to the green screen, hence not shifting from batch 1. Instead of the usual £10-£15 extra for the green screen it was £55. Glad they've rectified it. I wont be upgrading to this, it would just be the regular that comes with the diamond pass i'll be getting mind
  19. It surely doe have to happen at some point as there must come a point where the renovations work, make holding any shows there unviable until the work is completed. I think the Excel is off the table due to contracts with other companies, I might be wrong though. If that is the case, where else is feasible
  20. Batch 6 for the normal photos as well. If they get Millie, then that will be the steelbook done. As, with it just the two on the cover then, it will be just them going on it.
  21. The tabloids will do what they do, whether it is Capaldi, Whittaker or any incumbent of the role, in this case though, as sad to say, there may be a little undercurrent to their digs His price is high, but as you say, he's the current keyholder of the TARDIS, and hopefully for a few years yet. And I liked his portrayal and would love him to continue for a long while yet The fact that he is on batch 7 after 2 days, says they have the price point correct and he will be suitably busy, if you are wanting more than 1 autograph, sorry to say, but it will depend on how quickly he gets to virtual tickets.
  22. The Diamond is already at batch 7, and he crashed the website on the announcement apperently. I was at home and just happened to log on and saw the announcement. There is a small part of me that thinks that this means season 2 is his last, as the general rule is they cant do cons whilst they are filming, but then the reason they did 2 seasons back to back was to give him a year off to do other projects. so this might fall under this, as he is on stage around November
  23. 2nd highest amount I've paid for a guest on a diamond pass, after Michael J Fox. But had to be done. Now the inevitable what do i get signed. Steelbook, Doctors poster or individual poster. My Doctors poster has all living Doctors and John Hurt (needs Jo Martin admittedly) so this is favourite
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