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Everything posted by D4vem88

  1. Does anyone know how many Diamond Passes are in a batch? Would we be thinking the same of what standard photo batches are which is/was 50?
  2. I know I wasn’t doing Saturday originally until Hayden was announced!
  3. I am hoping that Hayden will be signing from 9 before his photo op, to maximise his time being one day only. I have a diamond pass for him, but need to leave by 1:30 to catch a Eurostar
  4. Hi, I have a photo op I am looking to upgrade to a diamond pass, what was the contact email I need to get in touch with?
  5. Shame I’m only there on the Friday! BTW, SM, the main website says he’s Sunday only, the listing here shows Saturday :)
  6. Will certainly make a change. There’s always a cluster of events in the summer, I suppose this one has now moved to the other side of LFCC, I wonder if LFCC Winter this year will be a one-off.
  7. Any idea what time Ryan Gage’s photo will be on Sunday, seeing as he’s cancelled today but now attending Sunday?
  8. Can’t help with the cantina, but yes, Laurie is the ‘head knock trooper’.
  9. Just for little ol’ me ! firefly reunion, that’s really why, isn’t it?!
  10. Gutted for his Collectormania cancellation. And of course the one year I can only attend Friday. I suppose I will wait on ‘the man they call Jayne’ a little longer.
  11. To those with Ryan’s diamond pass, what are you getting signed? Can’t decide between a table 8x10, the photo op, or the mount of the frame upgrade.
  12. That was the entirety of the email. I’m assuming he’s not sold many passes.
  13. Email from Showmasters: Ryan’s photo shoot will be between 12:10pm and 12:40pm in photo shoot A. Ryan’s autograph session will be directly after this at 12:40pm, this will only last 5 to 10 minutes. It will take place in the sports signing area. You can pick up you Photoshoot upgrade & Exclusive 12x16 photograph at any time from the Sport Merchandise stand. If it’s not obvious please ask any of the crew in the sports area and they’ll point you to it.
  14. I thought it would be £5, like the prop shoots. We could be cosplaying as con-goers! We just managed to get 6 people in the prop photo with Groot last year (or year before). Maybe they won’t mind as long as they get the money
  15. I assume with the cosplay photo timeslot (especially on the Sunday) there is a small charge? And you wouldn’t have to be in cosplay in order to have your photo taken either? Like a group of friends can have a photo taken
  16. Wow, 10 days before the event, that was unexpected. At least I can plan which shoots to now get with minimal clashes.
  17. I understand Ryan will be signing for Diamond Pass holders only, which I have. But is there any chance of getting some previews of images that will be available at the table to be used? Just thinking with only a couple of weeks to go until the event, I can prepare if I need to.
  18. I know there is a stall that usually sells “photoshoot upgrades” which are frames for your 6x9 printed photo, along with a small plaque of the guest and usually 2 associated photos of that guest. I picked one up when I met Stan Lee in 2014, the stall usually does them for the main 10 or so guests. I would imagine that this is the case and you’ll be provided with a Ryan Giggs themed frame, or at least you’ll be told to go to the stall to collect your frame. I also have a Giggs diamond pass, so I’m in the same boat in finding out. I do hope we can pick up the diamond passes before we enter the main venue, like with LFCC Spring, would save queuing twice and wasting time that could be used for VQ tickets.
  19. I assumed Ryan was diamond autos only, as the main page doesn’t have an auto price listed, but has a photo and Diamond Pass price advertised. I wouldn’t like to assume he will be signing for non diamond passes based on the info given, although I could be wrong.
  20. Nice one, I enjoyed Inhumans and also as a Star Wars fan this is a great guest. Seeing as Iwan is also at CM, maybe a Inhumans lineup incoming?
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