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Everything posted by Groge511

  1. Awesome. If some how I miss him when I go to Cardiff I'll hopefully catch him here :)
  2. Oh my god yes!!! Already got Eve and Burn on my boxset. I'm only gonna make it in the afternoon on the Saturday so I hope I don't miss him
  3. Dressed in our Stargate Atlantis team black outfit from Season 4, a guy in Starbucks said "what company is that you work for? Cool uniform!" I should have said "The SGC" or "that's classified" or something
  4. Maybe you could ask Amanda Tapping if she can come to this 1 the week before she heads to Milton Keynes? :)
  5. No way!! Awesome! Probably can't go though jealous of everyone going. Great announcement guys
  6. He done that at last years Glasgow CM too. 1 of the nicest guys I've met :)
  7. Anyone from Star Wars eg. Peter Meyhew Warwick Davis Anyone from Buffy or Firefly. We need more Whedonverse folk of these cons Richard Dean Anderson Amanda Tapping Michael Shanks Paul McGillion John Barrowman How about getting voice actors? Eg. From Star Wars The Clone Wars or from Disney films? A lot of voice work comes from highly reputable actors but sometimes they don't. Sometimes voice work is all they do so there might be a niche in the collectormania market there :)
  8. Really hope he does a costume shoot. Didn't get a chance at LFCC and I'll be dressing up this time!
  9. Oh my god! I'm going to have to go to Wales in November! Need him to sign my Atlantis box set
  10. Great stuff! Can get my Torchwood set signed like I did last year from Eve Myles
  11. I'm exactly the same boat. Would love to know who else is sold out too. Really got my hopes up for a bunch of folk but considering how busy its been today (after reading this forum) I'm worried I'm not even gonna get in let alone meet anyone!
  12. 3.5 hours! Holy S***! So basically tomorrow I should start queuing at 6am, 7 at the latest!Man that's lousy :/
  13. Turning people away!? Jesus, I hope tomorrow is quieter...
  14. We're coming down tonight for tomorrow and i really hope we can get a photo with Summer. 1 of the main reasons were coming but like the OP I didn't pre book as i wasn't sure we'd make it. Fingers crossed...
  15. At this point in time this is not going to happen. There's been major schedule adjustments already. Ah ok, thanks. That sucks but it's understandable since its so late on. Looking at the new Sunday photoshoots I see that where Carrie/Peter were it's just an empty box. Will this just become an extension of Carrie on her own?
  16. Any chance of a Carrie Fisher/Billy Dee Williams duo photo shoot? Would be great especially now that Peter Mayhew can't make it
  17. Is there any way to find out which guest photos are sold out? I noticed the other that there was only a few left on the shop. Does that mean that just about all of them are sold out or were they just taken down due to it being close to the event? The latter would make sense since you're still announcing guests and photos for them cannot be purchased.
  18. Does VT mean that if i never bought them the other week (or whenever they were still available) it's too late and i won't get a chance to meet the big guests? You cant purchase autographs/photos on the day?
  19. I nearly fell over when i read this. So gutted, 1 of the main reasons I decided (on Sunday there) to come
  20. No Sunday!? Oh my god i cant believe I'm going to miss him. This is not on! This cannot be happening... You don't even have him listed as Giles from Buffy in the first post....
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